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Contray to right-wing christian thinking, its YOUR body. You decide. A responsible doctor will accomodate a physcologically well patient's wishes within medical safety bounds.

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Q: Will a doctor still perform a tubal ligation if you have only one child?
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You have had a tubal ligation 3 years ago can you still get pregnant?

You should not be able to get pregnant after a tubal ligation.

Why are you producing milk after 4 years after last child and a tubal ligation?

My youngest is 13 and I still produce milk, but it is yellow to black. I talked to my OB and she said it was ok.

Can a doctor misdiagnose pregnancy with just a urine test if your tubes have been clipped and burned but you still feel like your pregnant?

Having a tubal ligation does not affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test.

Does a father have to pay support when he says he is hurt from a doctor?

Yes, he does. He is still a father, he has a child, and that child needs support.

Does tubal ligation affect your hormone levels?

No. The tubal ligation prevents the sperm and the egg from meeting. Ovulation still takes place and that is triggered by hormones.

Can a child seventeen years old be responsisbile for pap smear doctor bill?

Can a child seventeen year old be responsible for doctor bill from collocations still goes to school.Is the mother or child responsible for the bill in collection?

I had a tubal ligation 12 years ago. Is there a way to check if it is still effective?

The best way to find out if your tubes are still tied, is to go to your OB/Gyn and have an ultrasound done to see if the fallopian tubes are still tied. There is no other way, besides another surgery, or the wait and see method, which is essentially waiting to see if you get pregnant again. So, if I were you, I'd call the doctor and set up an appointment to have an ultrasound done to check and see if the ligation is still in effect.

Are you still pregnant you have bled for a week and doctor said it looked like i was losing the baby but i done a test this morning which came back saying you were still pregnant?

Only your doctor can really answer that question. However, it is not unusual for a home pregnancy test to be incorrect after a miscarriage. Home pregnancy tests look for pregnancy-related hormones in your urine...hormones that may still be present for weeks after a miscarriage. To determine the status of your pregnancy and the health of your child, your doctor should perform an ultrasound.

Why does your child get backed up while on daily laxatives?

The child may have intestinal problems if they are still backed up after taking laxatives. A doctor will need to treat the child.

How does a woman menstruate after tubal ligation?

A woman menstruates after a tubal ligation just like she would before she had this done. After the tubal ligation the ovaries still work the same as always and the uterus still responds the same way to the hormones to plump up and then shed when pregnancy doesn't occur. All tubal ligation does is cut or seal off the fallopian tubes so that the sperm cannot get to the egg to conceive.

How can get your period if the egg doesn't leave the ovary?

It's hormonal, not physical. The egg would still leave your ovaries when your tubes are tied, they just don't get past the tied fallopian tubes.You still generate the corpus luteum and will still get your period.Apparently you were misinformed. I would suggest talking to the doctor who did your tubal ligation.

Can you still get sterilized while on your period?

By sterilized, do you mean tubal ligation? If so, sure you can.