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Q: Will a eucalyptus tree grow after been burnt down?
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Where does the Rainbow Eucalyptus grow natively?

They natively grow in Australia.

Do gum trees grow back after being burnt down?

you got all your information wrong you.

How can you grow a silver dollar eucalyptus as a shrub not a tree?

If you cut a Eucalyptus back to ground level in the spring it will grow as a shrub and show juvenile foliage, let it grow and it will quickly become a tree.

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What does a koala's environment look like?

The koala's environment is typically Australian eucalyptus bushland. The trees may grow close together, or there may be patches of eucalyptus trees near suburbia, where other trees have been knocked down. Australian gum trees grow tall and straight, with numerous branches and grey-green leaves. Their trunks vary from smooth and pale to rough, stringy and reddish brown.

Do eucalyptus trees mainly grow in rainforests?

Eucalyptus trees grow mainly in Australia. There are over 700 different species in Australia and only around 15 outside on the continent. Australia has a very small rainforest area, so it is true that eucalyptus trees do not grow mainly in rainforests.

What does it look like where koalas live?

Where a koala lives, which is its habitat, is typically Australian eucalyptus bushland. The trees may grow close together, or there may be patches of eucalyptus trees near suburbia, where other trees have been knocked down. Australian gum trees grow tall and straight, with numerous branches and grey-green leaves. Their trunks vary from smooth and pale to rough, stringy and reddish brown.

Do eucalyptus trees grow in rainforests?

No. Eucalyptus trees grow in a variety of habitats, but the rainforest is not one of them. They are found in Australia's bushland, in dense and scrubby woodland, coastal areas, the desert and even Alpine areas.

Would a rainbow eucalyptus grow in central Georgia?

Rainbow Eucalyptus may grow in the southern part of Georgia than the central because of the coastal area and the climate. These trees can mostly be found in Florida and it would mostly depend on the agricultural zone of which they may grow.

What do eucalyptus look like?

It smells like menthol cough drops. Eucalyptus trees grow very fast and are resistant to disease, but not many sorts of wildlife live among them. They have been introduced to South America, were they cover many hectares and are considered by many an invasive species.

Would hair grow back if it burned off?

Hair grows back one way or another. Skin cells in the head will produce the material which sprouts out as hair. If the scalp was burnt and it was scarred your hair may not grow back though. The hair follicles would have been damaged. But if your hair just got burnt it will grow back.