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Yes, as long as you aren't moving it to much

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Q: Will a gecko egg hatch if you move it?
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Related questions

How long does it for a gecko egg to hach?

This all depends on the specie of the gecko, how long does it take to reach maturity? How big is the gecko at adulthood? what are the temperatures? Typically, most gecko eggs will hatch 70-120 days to hatch.

When should a duck egg move?

it should move when its about to hatch

Does an Asian house gecko egg need incubation?

All reptile eggs need incubation to hatch.

How long does it take for a normal gecko egg to hatch?

i dont think they even lay eggs yeah they the eggs out

Can gecko eggs be rold around?

my mom and dad fond gecko eggs on a trip and cared them in a Fanny pack, i did not think they wold hatch but one day the egg stared back.

Is it possible to hatch a Riolu with Aura Sphere?

question is, is aura sphere an egg move? I don't think so. >It is an egg move

If you pick up a house gecko egg would it die?

No.Because I have a male and female...Once I picked up on eof it's eggs nothing happened but when you pick em up hold them gently.Within 6-8 weeks,the egg/eggs will hatch without the gecko being harmed...And also can you pick up a house gecko?

How long does it take for gecko eggs to incubate?

Depending on the specie, will determine the incubation period. Species in smaller size will usually have a smaller egg, which will have a shorter incubation period than a larger specie. Typically eggs will take 40-120 days in most common gecko species.

Can you hatch ostrich egg in still air incubator?

If you can hatch a regular egg in there then you can hatch an ostrich egg.

Can you make a egg unfetilized egg hatch?

* Can you make an unfertilized egg hatch? No

How long to lay a gecko egg?

It depends on what type of gecko.

How do you learn egg moves?

look up on Bulbapedia what egg moves that pokemon can learn, then teach the move to the father, and leave him and a suitable female pokemon in the day care. The pokemon will hatch with the egg move.