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Yes he might. He will especially if your friends. Sometimes he will do it just to brag about himself to show how great of friends he has. Most likely it would be because he likes you.

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Q: Will a guy talk about you to his friends if he doesn't like you?
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talk to your friends and make a one week plan about it.

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The best way to start is to talk to him. Get to know him as if you were making friends with someone.

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If he doesnt talk to you, takes no notice of you, then he doesnt like you. :(

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maybe her friends dont like him, and so to feel cool, she talks badly about him too

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just talk to him about it;it worked with me(:

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because he is embarrassed and he doesnt want his friends to no that he likes you

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he either doesnt like you or he doesnt want to talk to you at the time or he wants to make you jealous.... and its working huh?

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sorry but this is going to be creul but if he doesnt talk to you then he doesnt!! you need to talk to him and make yourself a part of his life.

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he likes you but is shy so doesnt talk to you in person. guys dont email random girls. he probably doesnt hang out with girls and has a bunch of guy friends, so he doesnt want to make anything akward but randomly talking to a girl......he may like. try to get him to talk to you in person so you can find more about him so you can have a better guess if he likes you. or, you can get one of your friends to ask him who he likes or does he talk or who he emails to see if he emails you for fun, or because he wants to find away around talking to you in person, but still to talk to you.

How do you get a guy to like you but you dont know him that well?

just talk to one of his friends and then hang around with him and then talk to the guy you like then he might like you back

What does it mean when you emphasize to a guy friend that you are just friends but the guy ignores you?

Tell it to him straight... just be like "Hey Were just friends" If that doesnt work... ignore him and if that doesnt work... well, idk then

How do you talk to a guy you really like and get his number?

just talk to him about normal stuff you would talk about with your friends