

Will a lip piercing hole heal no matter what?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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If its new, it'll heal over relatively fast. If it's older, it may or may not heal over. Its pretty common for the inside to heal and the outside to still look open. Just depends. If you want to keep it open, the best way to do that is to always wear jewelry in it.

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Q: Will a lip piercing hole heal no matter what?
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If you have a lip piercing can you take the ring out and leave it ringless without the hole growing in or having a noticeable hole in your lip?

No, the hole will grow in in a matter of hours. You can order a hider to make it look like you don't have a piercing in your lip.

Can you take a lip piercing out over night if you only had it for 2 months?

Yes but there is still a chance that the hole could heal overnight.

Can you get a lip piercing while having braces?

Technically, yes (probably), although this would be a really bad idea. Braces could easily pull a lip piercing out, leaving a scar or hole that may not heal well. Also, braces are much harder to keep clean of bacterial biofilms, so getting a lip piercing may increase the risk of an infection in the lip.

How long will a lip piercing hole be visible for?

As long as the body takes to minimize the piercing and close it, there is no magic solution that will make it close faster. It's just a matter of time.

What to put to help heal your lip piercing fast?

Salt water or saline solution on the outside of the lip around the piercing. Alcohol-free mouthwash on the inside of the mouth around the piercing

If i get my lip pierced and then take it out a couple years later will it heal?

Your lip will heal with the hoop through it. In a couple years, when you remove the hoop you will have a hole in your lip.

What if your lip piercing got swollen from touching it?

Stop touching it so it can heal.

Can you put lip gloss on a lip piercing?

yes, it doesn't effect it at all :) unless you put the lip gloss on the actual piercing hole, then that'd just be silly

Does lip piercing scar?

Well its not necessarily that they scar, but its almost as if the hole where the piercing was never goes away. Yes the hole closes, but you can still see where the piercing was.

How long will it take for lip piercing to heal after being removed?

i think a few weeks but no offence but lip peircings are stupid

Does it matter what side you get your lip piercing on?

No, either side is fine.

Is it normal for the skin inside to pocket over your new lip piercing?

The skin shouldn't heal over the back of the jewelry. Its common for the piercing to kinda nestle and from a sort of crater in your lip. If its starting ot heal over, go to your piercer and they can give you a longer stud.