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yes because the mothers adapts to other baby's as her own baby birds

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Q: Will a mother hen kill babies that are not hers?
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Related questions

How can a mother chicken tell which chicks are her's when on a farm with other hen's chicks?

By verbal communication, and even by sight. To a human all chicks peep the same, but to a mother hen, she can tell which chicks are hers and which are not.

Will a broody hen be ok when the babies are taken away?

If the babies are still fluffy and cheeping it's better not to take the babies away from the mother or otherwise, The mother will be stressed and looking for them all day long, Which wouldn't be fair on her. You can give the chickens away when you identified them if they're a rooster or hen.

What is chicken's mother called?

A mother chicken is a HEN Also Known as a broody hen/hen with a brood.

What is a mother of fowl called?

A father fowl is called a rooster or a cockerel.

What is a cockrels mum?

The mother is a hen.

What is a mother turkey and her young called?

The mother is called a "hen" and her young are called "hen poulot" for the female and "jake" for the males.

What is the pronoun for the word hen?

The pronouns that take the place of the noun 'hen' are:personal pronouns she as a subject and her as an object in a sentence;personal pronoun it as a subject or an object in a sentence;possessive adjectives hers or its to take the place of a noun that belongs to the hen;possessive adjectives her or its to describe a noun as belonging to the hen;reflexive pronouns herself or itself to 'reflect back' to the hen.

Why would all the budgie babies in 1 nesting box die?

If the hen has been disturbed too many time when the babies are young, she may not go back into the box, and may abandon them. The female can be disturbed by humans looking at the babies too often, or by other budgies entering the nest box. Jealous females sometimes kill another bird's babies.

What sickness could kill a hen but not a rooster?


What does the mother hen do when it has laid eggs?

sit on the eggs

What is a mom chicken?

a mother chicken is called a hen.

Is a mother hen supposed to help a chick hatch?
