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Q: Will a parakeet adopt other baby parakeet birds if the mom dies?
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Will a parakeet mom adopt other baby parakeet if the mom dies?

not in the wild, but most of the time in they will in captivity they will. no one knows why.

Are all baby parakeet's Ceres pink?

Most baby birds ceres will be light coloured and darken as they age and mature.

What a baby parakeet called?


How does a parakeet get a baby?

The female and male parakeet do a cloaca kiss and make a baby bird deedadee

I have an outdoor aviary and saw my male parakeet feeding 4 day old baby finches in the nest Should I worry about the parakeet's behavior Finches aren't abandoned by parents?

Unless the parent finches are getting mad, you don't need to worry about it. It's common if you have a bird in the parrot family, such as a parakeet, it will feed the smaller birds. They will commonly imitate you in how they treat small birds. For example if you say "here buddy" when you feed your bird, it is possible it will feed smaller birds while imitating you saying "here buddy".Additionally parakeet food is bigger seeds, but still similar enough in nutritional value that finches can eat parakeet food and vice versa.It's the same thing as if you have a cockatiel and add a parakeet. The cockatiel will likely treat the parakeet like a pet or else a baby cockatiel.

Can a baby parakeet stay with a big parakeet?

yes a baby budgie can live with an adult budgie but you should try it with an adult because it can get very aggressive. if he doesn't do anything to the other adult that means you can keep the baby but the should not be 2 old

What birds are for beginners?

There are many birds to chosse from, and a few are for beginners. Birds for beginners include: *finches *canries *bourke's parakeet *budgies *cockatiels *lineolated parakeets *lovebirds *rock pebblers

Do you get an imaginary friend if you adopt a baby on sims 3?

Yes of you adopt it as a baby

How do you know if your female parakeet loves your male parakeet?

Probably when they are very affectionate with one another or you have baby parakeets.

How many birds have baby birds at the same time?

it depends on the birds some birds 1 other 5 and some a dozen

How do you adopt a baby in sims3 ambitions what if it won't show it on the phone?

If your baby got token away, you can't have or adopt another one, if you have a baby, you can only have one, and if your having a baby, then you can't adopt one

Can a HIV positive person adopt a baby?

yes they can adopt but they have to be careful when taking care of baby