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Q: Will a spider build it's web close to another spider's web?
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How did the wolf spider gets its name?

The wolf spider is named for the way it stalks and kills its prey. The wolf Spiders, like some other large spiders, does not build webs or traps. It uses camouflage to get close enough to run down and grab its prey (mostly insects, but some small invertebrates).

Can air fresheners kill spiders?

If you get close enough to where the spider is, yes air fresheners kill spiders.

Are wood spiders and brown recluse spiders the same?

No they are not. Brown recluse are some of the most poisonous spiders in the USA. Wood spiders, though can be considered close in appearance, are actually harmless (fright and allergic reactions aside).

How does a jewel spider hunt?

A jewel spider builds an orb web and most often builds close to outdoor lights on or near buildings where bugs are attracted to the light. Bugs get caught in the web and then they are the jewel spiders food. Easy way to hunt. Build a net and wait!

What is a spider that has claws ARe they harmful?

No modern spiders have claws but there a number of spider kin that do. One of the best examples is the camel is not a true spider, just a close relative. See link. Their bite is painful but they are not particularly venomous.

Do spitting spiders eat brown recluse spiders?

No. The wolf spider and the brown recluse spider are close cousins. They can mate with each other, and their babies, called hybrids, are very deadly. It's too bad they don't exist

What would happen if banana spider poison got in your eye?

I would have to tell you not to stand so close to banana spiders

How does a spider use its body parts to get its food?

Spiders hold their prey with their legs. Spiders inject venom to paralyze their prey with their fangs. Spiders regurgitate fluid from their stomach's onto the prey and the fluid breaks down the nutrients which flow into the spider through its mouth. (We humans have internal processes for getting nutrients from food, spiders have external processes.

Does spiders hunt alone or hunt in pack?

Spiders are almost always solitary. They may build their nests and webs close to other spiders, but they do not interact socially with each other. One species that is kind of an exception is the Coastal Orb Weaving spider. Individuals of this species - sometimes dozens or more - spin their webs very close together, often overlapping with each other, effectively creating one huge nest of very strong silk that could trap bats, even birds, as well as the insects these spiders usually prey on.

Are Giant Spiders Real?

Camel Spiders are real, but they're not spiders. They're solifugids, another type of arachnid. They get quite large, but not as big as they apparently look in many email forwards, which are optical illusions caused by holding them close to the camera. As for the biggest spider, it depends on what you include. If you only count "true" spiders, the tarantula (a mygalomorph) does not count. It would likely be something from the nephila or argiope groups of spiders. (I believe in North America, the largest is either Argiope aurantia or Nephila clavipes, common spiders)

Are scorpions a type of spider?

Spiders form a monophyletic group with all modern spiders sharing a common ancestor. This means that all spiders are equally related to scorpions. Some stem groups may have characteristics that are plesiomorphic or "primitive with respect to other spiders" that may make them appear superficially similar to ancient arachnids.

What is a Sydney web spider?

I think you mean a Sydney funnel-web spider. These spiders are closer relatives to tarantulas than to the typical spiders that you will see in an American garden. Among these harmless American spiders are another kind of spider that makes a funnel web. They look much different from the Australian spiders, and they are much smaller. The Sydney funnel-web spiders are the most deadly spider in the world. There is one spider with more toxic venom, but that spider rarely does more than inject a little venom to make the human stop hurting them. The Sydney funnel-web spider will bite and hang on. Its venom is very toxic. There is one recorded case of a young child who was bitten and died within fifteen minutes. Since an antivenom was invented, nobody has died from their bites. These spiders are very large, with a body length of about two inches. They will stand their ground when humans approach. They will stand on their hind four legs, raise their front two legs up and outstretched, and they will bare their fangs. If any creature is foolish enough to get too close, then they will bite and hang on until they have used up their venom.