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Q: Will albumin give positive result to Benedict test?
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Does starch gives positive result for Benedict test?

Starch is made up of repeating glucose units. Though it is a non reducing sugar, its hydrolysis gives out pure glucose, which is known as dextrose. And glucose, as we know, is a reducing sugar and hence would give a positive result in Benedict's test.

Why sucrose does not give a positive Benedict's test but hydrolyzed sucrose does give a positive beneditcts test?

Sucrose is formed from glucose and fructose.Sucrose is formed from glucose and fructose. Glucose and fructose gives positive test for benedict becuz both of them are reducing sugars whereas sucrose is not a reducing sugar so it gives negative test for benedict. On prolonged heating,sucrose will form glucose and fructose (reducing sugars)which ultimately gives a positive result .

Will hydrolysed dextrine give positive response to Benedict test?

Yes, it should. Benedicts test will be positive for reducing sugars, and since glucose is such a sugar, and would be a product of dextrin hydrolysis, you should get a positive result with Benedicts reagent.

Will fructose give a positive benedict's test?

Yes! Fructose is a reducing carbohydrate.

What is the result of Benedict test in lactose?

I know that with Fructose it turns red and forms precipitate

Do proteins give positive iodine tests?

Yes it give positive result

Will disaccharides and poly saccharides give a positive result to molisc test?

all carbohydrates will give a positive visible result

Did gelatin give positive result with xanthoprotic test?

yes,it give positive test

What are positive and negative controls in an experiment?

Positive controls : an experimental treatment that will give the desired result Negative controls: An experimental treatment that will NOT give the dersired result.

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What would be the result of Benedict's solution on boiled amylase?

Because amylase, being an enzyme, is a protein, these molecules will not give a positive result in testing with Benedict's solution. This reagent is devised for testing sugar solutions (like sucrose), which MAY be formed at the amylolytic breakdown of starch (amylose, amylopectin). This breakdown can NOT occur when boiled enzym molecules are used (because of inactivation by denaturation of the protein structures).

What is a positive test for carbohydrates?

These are the carbohydrate tests that would give a positive result on maltose: 1.Molisch test 2. Fehling's Test 3. Benedict's Test 4. Nylander's Test 5. Tollen's Test 6. Seliwanoff's Test 7. Barfoed's Test