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That is one of the signs of an abusive partner, they blame others for their own actions. Abuse works in a cycle where the abuser needs control and doesn't regret what they did because it hurt another person. It doesn't matter what excuse they gave you, the excuses he gave his ex for the beatings would have been the same as the ones their giving you as to why its not their fault. Abuse is all about power, "who's the boss", not about "the victim did something so bad I lost my temper". The abuser sets the victims up for attacks, find excuses as to why the victim has to be shown who's boss, when it could be as simple as the fact that the victim was 15 mins late after driving home from work, the abuser will jump to conclusions and find a reason for the victim to "obey" them. == == An abusive person is an abusive person. Wy they broke up comes down to 2 people that couldn't work things out. Get the hell away from an abusive person or you will suffer. Humans are creatures of habit, they don't just change overnight. An abuser will be even nicer to the new partner AT THE START but since he or she got away with past abusive behaviour even if a short period of time, they have become accustomed to that and will only increase the voltages with the new person....pretty soon you may even be told, " well so and so didnt do that" they may even compare the new woman to the previous one making you feel as though at first your way better but then will completely devalue you and say your even worse...this is a good possibility and if not they will use many other tactics to wear you down where you feel like all the life from you is me......i know.

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Q: Will an abusive person still be abusive in a new relationship and tell their new partner their ex was to blame for their breakup?
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