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No, they are unrelated species and cannot be bred together.

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Q: Will an iguana and bearded dragon breed?
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Can you breed a citrus bearded dragon with a normal bearded dragon?

Yes a citrus is just a sub species

Do any of you have reptiles?

yes i have a bearded dragon an African bull frog and a pacman frog tegu , iguana

Do you need a boy and girl beaded dragon to breed?

you need both to make a fertilized bearded dragon egg

When should you breed your bearded dragon?

Bearded Dragons go through the puberty stage at about 5-7 months of age but it is not safe to breed them till around 2 years.

Can a young green iguana and a young bearded dragon coexist in the tank?

Absolutely not. Never mix species with reptiles. Don't even keep multiple baby Bearded Dragons together.

What lizard eats fruits and vegetables and has long toes?

I'm afraid that most lizards that eat fruits and vegetables have long toes. You will need to be more specific. For example, does the lizard ONLY eat fruits and vegetables, or does it eat other things, as well? Is it a desert species, or a tropical species? Is it large, or small? A list of the more common species that eat plants includes the green iguana (and many other iguana species), uromastix (all species), blue-tongued skink, monkey-tailed skink, and bearded dragon. There are more.

What are the top ten lizards?

bearded dragon leopard gecko tuga skink crested gecko monitor chameleon legless lizard gecko iguana

What is smarter a tree frog or a bearded dragon?

a bearded dragon

Can an iguana and a bearded dragon breed?

Bearded dragons and iguanas can't be housed together, there are a few reasons. Beaded dragons are a desert(dry) species and iguanas are more rain forest(moist). The climate requirements are different as well as their diets. Bearded dragons can eat higher proteins like insects and also require veggies, where as iguanas require strictly veggies. If an iguana eats any proteins like meat or insects, it can cause major health problems that may lead to death. I suggest looking up each of their care sheets and comparing them, you will get a better understanding of the differences.

Is the bearded dragon native to California?

No it is not ! The Bearded dragon is a native reptile of Australia.

When was Eastern bearded dragon created?

Eastern bearded dragon was created in 1829.

When was Central Bearded Dragon created?

Central Bearded Dragon was created in 1926.