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Yes. Pure water has a density of 1.0, so anything with a lower density will float.

Also note that adding salt or other contaminants to the water will generally raise the density, so things that will just barely sink in fresh water may float in salt water.

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Q: Will an object with the density less than one float in water?
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An object will float - on water for example - if its density is less than the density of water. Density = mass / volume.An object will float - on water for example - if its density is less than the density of water. Density = mass / volume.An object will float - on water for example - if its density is less than the density of water. Density = mass / volume.An object will float - on water for example - if its density is less than the density of water. Density = mass / volume.

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The weight does not determine if an object will float in water. If an object has a DENSITY that is more than the density of water then it will sink, if it's density is less than the density of water it will float.

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An object will float if it has less density than the density of the liquid.An object will float if it has less density than the density of the liquid.An object will float if it has less density than the density of the liquid.An object will float if it has less density than the density of the liquid.

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Some objects will float on water as the density of the object is less than that of water. Conversely, if an object is more dense than the density of water, then it will sink.

How does density tell you if an object will float pure water?

If an objects density is 1 or less, it will float on water

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No. To float density must be less than 1 (the density of water).

What will the density of any object be if they want that object you to float?

An object will float in water if its density is lower than water which means that for an object to float, its density needs to be less than ~1 gram/centimeter^3,

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An object will float in water if it has LESS density than the water.

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An object's density must be less than the density of water,in order for the object to float.

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If an object is less dense then water, it will float assuming the object does not absorb the water there by increasing its density.

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An object will float on water if it has less density than the water.

Why does a coin sink and a boat float?

An object will sink if it has greater density than water (or whatever liquid it is place in); it will float if it has less density than the liquid.An object will sink if it has greater density than water (or whatever liquid it is place in); it will float if it has less density than the liquid.An object will sink if it has greater density than water (or whatever liquid it is place in); it will float if it has less density than the liquid.An object will sink if it has greater density than water (or whatever liquid it is place in); it will float if it has less density than the liquid.