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Yes they will, cats are able to smell a chemical that the human body gives off shortly before dying. The eyes of a dead person are very desirable to eat by cats. Police doctors know this and mortuaries are not allowed to have a cat because of this phenomena.

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Q: Will an outdoor domestic cat eat your eyes if you die?
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What did cat die of tongue hanging out eyes open?

There is no way of knowing why a cat died if its tongue is out and eyes are open. the cat could of died from natural causes or even poisoning.

Does a cats eye colour change when they die?

No, a cat's eye color does not change when they die. The color of a cat's eyes is determined by genetics and does not change in response to death.

Why do kittens die after a week old?

Not all kittens die that early on. If the kitten hasnt got a mother or a owner looking after it that may be the reason why. It may not be getting enough to eat or if it's a outdoor cat it may be too cold.

When a person dies why are the eyes open?

When a person dies, all of their muscles relax. Since the eyelids are controlled by muscles, they will have a tendency to open after death even if the person's eyes were closed when they died. Also, if a person had their eyes open prior to death, they usually remain open.

Will your cat ate you if you die?

Probably, if you are not found for a few days. Cats are carnivores and designed to eat meat; once you have died, meat is pretty much all you are in their eyes.

Why do some people die with open eyes and some with closed eyes?

I think when you die with open eyes you have been instantly killed. But if you were killed slowly, you would die with your eyes closed.

When can your cat die?

Although the average life-span of a domestic cat is roughly 15 years depending on where you are, cats have been known to live up to 20 years with some even living beyond that. However, outdoor unneutered male domesticated cats have a much shorter average life span of about 4-6 years. Accidents such as road traffic accidents, illnesses etc can sometimes take the life of a much loved cat. Steps can be take to prevent this happening by neutering males to stop them wandering, keeping an indoor cat or using a cat lead if you live near a busy road, ensuring that your cat is kept well fed with the right kind of foods, provided with clean water, given their immunisation shots and being taken to the vet for treatment if they get ill.

Do you die with your eyes open or closed?

You can die with your eyes either open or closed. For many people, especially the sick and the elderly, it is not uncommon to die in their sleep, in which case their eyes will be closed. However, some do die with their eyes open, in which case it is considered respectful to close that person's eyes.

Can you die from asthma by a cat?

If you get affected that way from a cat you are allergic to the cat. It has nothing to do with the asthma.

Will your cat die?

Yes. No cat is immune to the ravages of time.

When did Cat Iron die?

Cat Iron died in 1958.

How many people die in Ohio cause of gun violence?

Well, if you consider that most of the gun violence in Ohio is actually domestic dog on domestic cat, which surmounts to millions of canine and feline deaths in Ohio every year, this eclipses the number of black people dying by firearms. I mean, aren't animals as important as humans? Well, if you consider that most of the gun violence in Ohio is actually domestic dog on domestic cat, which surmounts to millions of canine and feline deaths in Ohio every year, this eclipses the number of black people dying by firearms. I mean, aren't animals as important as humans?