

Best Answer

Actually, I found a website that has alot of useful information. Believe it or not, it even list rollerblading! You should check this website out,

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Q: Will any exercises help me lose weight fast without dieting?
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How do you get skinny fast without dieting?

exercise... :) running works the fastest

what is the faster weight loss plan out there?

Losing weight at a fast pase is generally hard. One dieting program out there, that actually works quite well, is the HCG dieting program. It works in only 44 days.

How can you lose some weight fast without running?

you can reduce your weight by doin' yoga and y taking proper amount of diet and you also reduce it by running and dieting is also a good way to reduce the weight but dieting includes lots of salad and sprouts so that weakness can be avoided .. weight should be according to your height.. so next time before buying chocolate, have a look on your tummy :)

Is dieting a fast way to lose weight?

Dieting is one method of losing weight, but may not always produce fast results. Everybody's reaction to diets and food consumption is different, and their are so many different diet types that a person can try. While some people may see quick results when dieting, for others it may take longer or not work at all.

Im 13 you feel fat and want to lose weight fast for summer but how do you do that with out dieting and your mum knowing?

eat less, exercisemore

Do you know if fast weight loss is safe?

It is important to consult a health care professional when starting any dieting regime. Quick/fast weight loss can be safe depending on your health, how you are planning on losing the weight, and what your time frame is (how quick is pretty quick, or what time period is equivalent to fast).

Can exercise cause weight loss fast?

Daily workout and light exercise are really helpful to lose your weight and obesity. Yoga or gym exercises are also helpful to lose your weight. Don't do many more exercises. According to your health condition and as per your physician concerns you can do light exercises.

What does fruit fast mean?

A fruit fast means a person is only consuming fruit (and no other foods) for an extended period of time, almost always as a form of dieting to lose weight.

Which blood type is able to loose more weight?

Blood type has nothing to do with how much or how fast one can lose weight.Losing weight is done by dieting and exercising and havig a healthy lifestyle

How does an 11 year old girl which is 4 foot 7 inches lose weight fast?

You don't. Dieting under the age of 18 is not recommended without a doctors advice. Putting that aside doing it fast is even worse. The most a person should lose a week is 1-2 pounds. Anything more then that had to be done unhealthfuly and the weight loss will not last.

Fast Dieting vs. Crash Dieting?

Crash diets are always a bad idea, but there are fast dieting plans that work. You want to ease yourself off of foods that are bad for you. If you jump right from eating a lot of red meat and sugar to eating none, you're going to get sick. Ease off a bit at a time, but don't waste time. Swap out one dangerous food item every day so that you can get into a fast dieting plan that really works without making yourself ill.

Do fast weight loss diet plans keep the weight off?

No, in some cases. The faster you lose weight and the more calories your suddenly cut off may increase your chances of gaining MORE weight. Dieting properly may aid in keeping weight off.