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Millions of people eat it, so I doubt it would upset you.

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Q: Will applesauce upset my stomach
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Is the potato recommended for upset stomach?

The "brat" diet is recommended for the first 24 hours of upset - bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.

How do you make a sentence with upset?

I had an upset stomach. He upset me greatly.

Are there any other foods for upset stomach?

A pediatrician told my mom ages ago to rely on the BRAT diet to get over upset stomachs. B - banana R - rice A- applesauce T - toast It helps every time!

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some time there are bad things in the food that make you stomach upset

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From past experiences it has almost always upset my stomach in a bad way.

What is the brat diet this is to do with diarrhea?

One of the best known diarrhea diets is the BRAT diet because it works. BRAT stands for bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. Rice, applesauce and toast should be plain with no added sugars or fats. All of these foods are high in fiber, which adds bulk to the stools. They are gentle on the stomach to allow your upset stomach and intestines time to heal. The BRAT diet is recommended for both children and adults, but talk to a doctor for diarrhea in children or diarrhea that lasts more than a few days for adults.

What should kids eat when the have the stomach flu?

Applesauce :D

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Heartburn is an acidic feeling in your chest, throat, maybe stomach area, while an upset stomach is only a pain or uncomfortable feeling in your stomach.

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What is causing the upset stomach. If you are nauseas, cola or coke is good. So is ginger tea. Ginger ale is good for soothing an upset stomach

How can one treat an upset stomach?

You can go to the bathroom or put a rag that is warm over you upset stomach.

Can exercise cause upset stomach?

it depends, if you work TOO hard you will get an upset stomach, along with if you are really dehydrated you may feel nauseas...

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