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No. Sugar and a fermenting agent eg yeast is needed to produce alcohol.

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Q: Will baking powder and water produce alcohol?
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Is heat absorbed when you mix baking powder and water?

No, no heat is involved when mixing baking powder and water.

Why does baking soda require acid to fizz but baking powder only needs water?

Baking powder has tartaric acid in already.


when baking powder combines with water, it turns into carbon dioxide which rises in the pastry, causing it to puff

Does baking powder disssolve in water?

yes it does

Which liquid rust nails faster sprite alcohol or water with baking soda?

Of course water, due to its high polarity Carbon dioxide and baking powder easily dissolve in it and then the attack of these compounds on iron nails becomes easier.

Why does baking powder dissolve in water but not lemonade?

Backing powder can be dissolved in lemonade.

How long does baking power stay fresh?

For a good long time if it is kept properly stored. Here is a test you can use to make sure your baking powder is usable . Put water in a teaspoon and sprinkle a little bit of the baking powder in the water. If your baking powder is good the water will fizz sort of like a soda does. if you don't hear or see the fizz then baking powder is no good and should be tossed out.

How can you tell baking powder is fresh?

If you take a pinch of the baking powder and put it in water, it should fizzle. If it does not fizzle, it is no longer fresh.

Does baking powder fizz in water?

it just has to do with the cemecals in it

Is baking powder used in baking soda?

Baking powder is not the same as baking soda. Baking powder is a 1:3 ratio of baking soda to cream of tartar, which are both raising agents designed for different purposes - one of them is activated by water, the other by heat. Baking soda is "strong" compared to baking powder, and is not a direct substitute for baking powder.

Does baking powder and vinegar produce a solid?

Vinegar and baking soda react to form carbon dioxide (a gas), water (a liquid), and sodium acetate which is solid in is pure form, but when formed by the vinegar-baking soda reaction is dissolved in water.

What is the function of baking power in muffins?

Baking powder lightens the texture of cakes by enlarging air bubbles within the batter. The correct use of baking powder makes the difference between a light and fluffy cake.Baking powder has different, beneficial properties for cake baking that other types of leavening agents don't have. Yeast produces the same rising action, but takes two to three hours to produce bubbles. Baking powder reacts with water, whereas baking soda requires the use of a liquid acid such as buttermilk or yogurt to instigate leavening.