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No. Most prostate problems are due to hormones and baking soda has no effect on that.

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Yes you can. Baking soda is a natural antacid, and is fine for use during pregnancy. But be careful. Do not abuse baking soda because too much will cause water retention, which is not healthy (i.e. consuming a whole box). I am a mother of four, and I used baking soda over ice to relieve morning sickness with no problems. I also found that a pinck of baking soda on my tongue after eating or vomiting made me feel better also because it neutralized the acid in my mouth. Hope this helps!!

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Does expired baking soda cause cookies to harden to quickly?

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What is the difference between cooking soda and baking soda?

There isn't one. Bread Soda is the Irish name for baking soda.

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Sodium bicarbonate(NaHCO3) is used in formation of baking powder which is used in Baking industries. Baking powder produces fluffiness in the breads and make them like sponge and they get soft.

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baking soda