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yes it does and no it doesn't.

Bentonite itself is not particularly "toxic" but the very small particles released into or maintained in the water column during installation WILL clog the gills of fish. How serious this is to the fish depends on the amount of it of course but can easily lead to asphyxiation if in excess.

So fish should never be present during installation and some time after until the material has bedded and loose particles flushed out. After that it is perfectly safe and some would even say beneficial.


There ar e two forms of bentonite: Calcium bentonite and Sodium bentonite. For ponds you need the former, calcium bentonite. It should be given time to settle where it will form a clay layer often used to stop leaking of ponds into the sub soil. For ponds that won't clear seeding with gypsum often helps to flocculate the suspended particles helping the filter to trap them.

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Q: Will bentonite harm fish in a pond?
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Try here on Lonestar website they sell Bentonite Pond liner, is very effective, 100% and cost-effective

Is abound transitive or intransitive?

Intransitive, because it can't take a direct object. In the pond, fish abound. Fish (subject) abound (verb). The pond abounds with fish. Pond (subject) abounds (verb) with fish (prepositional phrase). But never this: The pond abounds fish. Pond (subject) abounds (verb) fish (direct object). That last construction doesn't exist.