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Yes it can. They can appear anywhere on the body but most commonly on the palms. They look like bruises.

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Q: Will blood poisoning turn the fingers purple?
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When your feet turn purple and blue, it can be a sign of circulation problems or Raynaud's disease, a disorder involving the blood vessels. With this condition, there is a narrowing of blood vessels in response to cold temperatures or stress.

What happens if person has no blood?

They turn purple and die

Can you turn off blood in halo?

In halo combat evolved you can go to settings and turn decals off and there will be no blood (except blood from the convenant which is blue and purple)

Why do people turn purple or blue when they are being suffocated?

Red blood cells need oxygen. Oxygen is what gives blood that bright red color. When blood is lacking oxygen, it turns dark and that's why people turn purple or blue.

Is to much iron bad for you?

Yes, it can lead to blood poisoning. Which in turn can lead to dehydration, low blood sugar & fluid in the lungs.

What causes legs and feet to turn purple?

I'm not certain but I believe that when you cut of the blood supply to a body part, the blood no longer gets pumped in and out of the area. The colour of blood without oxygen is purple. I believe that they turn purple because the blood supply has been cut and what blood is there has had all its oxygen absorbed. Due to the colour, it probably shows up through the skin easier.

Why do veins hurt and turn purple under your skin?

Blood is red. If you look at blood through the layers of the skin, it looks dark red or even slightly purple.

Why would the outside of a cut turn purple?

The color isn't really purple. What you see is very tiny blood seepage into the tissue. You are seeing the blood through the skin which helps with the color distortion.

Why do your feet turn blue-purple?

Your feet turn blue-purple when they do not get enough blood flow or when they are lacking circulation or some times they are cold the best thing to do is rub them or run them under warm water.

What colour are Midnight Avaritia eyes when she drinks blood?

They turn purple. This also occurs when she hypnotises people.

Why do your fingers burn and turn bright red in the cold?

Because when they are burnt the blood gos to help heal the fingers. And when they are cold the curculation tries to help heat them up.

Why do your lips turn purple?

Yes they do turn purple but i do not know why