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This is a question for the guys assigned Probation Officer. Have him call that officer right away as time is of the utmost importance right now. You have one business day to report it to your PO if you get charged with a new crime or you can get in a lot more trouble.

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Q: Will boyfriend go to prison for a d felony probation violation subject did not get violated yet subject went to rehab and a counselor is going to call probation. What will happen?
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If you violated probation when you were 17 at what point will you be clear of the violation charges?

When your probation sentence ends.

Can it be considered a probation violation if the 2nd crime was committed after the 1st crime you were probated for but before the trial date in which you were sentenced to probation?

NO, my boyfriend had the same issue. The only concern that I have is that if he was out on bond he could have violated that and they can revoke the bond.

How much will a jail bond be if your boyfriend violated probation?

a bj to the cop

In Pa can you be sent to jail for a probation violation even though you got off probation the day of the violation?

TECHNICALLY you are on probation until the end (midnight) of the day your probation expires. I guess that if you committed a VOP prior to midnight you could be violated.

Do you have to report a probation violation?

If it was YOU that was on probation and inadvertently violated your own terms, it COULD be to your advantage to report yourself to your PO. It might reflect well on your intentions.

Does a Tennessee violation of probation warrant end?

No. If you violated the terms of your sentence by violating it, you never satisfactorily completed your sentence.

My boyfriend is on 11 29 probation and he got a felony charge Will they violate him if yes what is the max amount of days he will serve?

Yes, they will violate him because he committed another crime, which is a violation of his probation. They could give him time in prison depending on the original charge. However if I am not understanding your question, let me know. I would be happy to discuss what they will do to him if he has violated a state probation. I know because I have violated it many times and am now a convicted felon.

What can happen if you violated your probation by having a spray can tip and it was your first violation?

Because it was your first violation you may only get a small fine or an extension of your probation.Many things could happen including a fine, extended probation, or jail time.

What is a Non-Witness Violation Hearing I believe due to the circumstances in this case it would be a probation officer testifying that the terms of the probation were violated correct?

A non-witness violation hearing is a probation violation hearing in which no witnesses are called. Hard evidence will be documented and the defendant, probationer, will have opportunity to offer argument against it, or to offer explanation that might mediate a decision.

Can someone be on intense violation if he is already on probation and he violated it but has not paid any money on it?

Unclear what is being asked. What is an "intense" violation? As far as your probation is concerned, if you are already in violation of your probation the judge might just decide to remand you to jail to serve the remainder of your sentence behind bars. ESPECIALLY if you've gone and re-offended while you were already on probation. Probation is not a "get out of jail free" card! How many bites at the apple do you think you're going to get?

Do you get a bond if you are arrested on a probation violation by failing a drug test?

If you are on probation and are violated for anything at all you cannot bail on a probation hold i know cause ive been through county and prison systems if you catch a case on a felony you will automatically violate but if they serve you 6months for the violation and your still fighting your controlling case when your violation ends youll be able to bail

Your boyfriend is on parole but he has not reported in over a month will he be violated?

yes he will be in violation. once you get released from prison it is there instructions to go straight to there parole office. If not they are in violation of parole