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Yes, they will violate him because he committed another crime, which is a violation of his probation. They could give him time in prison depending on the original charge. However if I am not understanding your question, let me know. I would be happy to discuss what they will do to him if he has violated a state probation. I know because I have violated it many times and am now a convicted felon.

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Q: My boyfriend is on 11 29 probation and he got a felony charge Will they violate him if yes what is the max amount of days he will serve?
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Can a probation officer violate your probation for getting a new charge before being convicted of it?

Yes he can

How can you violate when your not on probation?

If you are referring stictly to a Violation of Probation charge (VOP) then you can't charged with a VOP if you're NOT on probation. However, you can "violate" any law at any time and be charged with the offense.

Can a vop sentence be reconsidered if at the trial for a charge that vop'd him finds him not guilty?

Infractions that violate your probation are not triable. You've already been found guilty and received your sentence - which was probation. If you violate the probation rules, you've violated your sentence and you can be remanded to jail to serve your "real" sentence.

What happens if you violate probation for aggravated battery with another battery charge with only four months left on probation?

A) You go to prison, where you belong. and B) You are a terrible person and should kill yourself.

What happens if you violate Probation for the fifth time?

Worst case scenario: You will be remanded to jail to serve out the remainder of your sentence.

Does a DUI violate probation without verdict in PA?

Absolutely. One of the conditions of Probation is to not use drugs or alcohol, and another is to not get new charges. If you get a DUI, it means the law is saying you are under the influence of drugs/alcohol and its also a new - and pretty serious - charge.

What happens if you get caught with a meth pipe while on probation in California?

You violate your probation and receive a new misdamenor drug charge with at the minimum 90 days jail time unless you are prop 36 eligible. Prop 36 is 3 years probation, testing, program, and an enormous cost to you. Good luck. It is a set up for failure.

How long for violating probation?

It depends on the probation charge and the violation.

Can they still give you jail time if your probation is over?

What do you mean by over? If the Court has discharged you from probation then no. The Court cannot give you jail time on your probation charge after you have been discharged from probation. If, for example, you were granted a two year term of probation that was due to expire on 02/01/10 but failed to report and a warrant was issued in 2009 then you are not off the hook. The Court can suspend your probation if you violate the terms. Once it is ordered suspended then the Court retains jurisdiction until you are either relieved from probation supervision, continued on probation with a time extension, or revoked and sentenced to jail or prison.

Im on probation in queens and got a misdeamenor charge in Brooklyn will it all add up?

If you are on probation and picked up another new charge, tell your probation officer. If you do not, it will go much harder when the charge catches up to you, and it will.

My boyfriend was serving 2 years probation but was arrested again what will happen to him now?

He will be tried for his new crime and sent to jail/prison to serve out his original sentence plus the new one. **They can put him in jail AND charge him for the first reason he was arrested for. Depending on why he is arrested for this time. They put him on probation, this means that they trust him not to get into trouble again. If he does, they can revoke his probation and keep him in jail. They also can just charge him with violation of probation and keep him for a few days or weeks in jail for that then release him again on probation depending on what he did to get arrested for this last time.

Is Writing bad checks while on probation violation of probation?

Yes. If you haven't done so already you have to report it to your probation officer because if they don't find out you can get in any more trouble. The rules state that you have one business day to report it to your PO. Usually if you are found innocent they will drop the PV charge but if they are real jerks they could violate you for having the incident. Hope this helps.