

Will captin rex kill ashoka tano?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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It is highly unlikely that he would kill her. She does annoy him, but not that much. I imagine that someone from the other side would have to kill her in order to make Anakin angry. If Rex killed her, then Anakin would believe that all clones would be dangerous.

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NO!! jedi are not to fall in love .its possible cuss anakin skywalker fell in love with padme.

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First you go to the Jedi cruiser (where you start out) and go to the left side of it. You will see two panels side by side, one Anakin Skywalker and the other a Clone trooper after you have done that you will earn Ashoka Tano. Go to your character menu and change your self into her. Then go to the planets menu and teleport to Marderin. After you get there walk along the wall their will be a big whole with a panel beside it. The panel that is Ashoka Tano, press the switch. You have captain Rex now! You can unlock Commander Cody in the Rishi moon Republic listening post.

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No one knows what happens to Rex yet. So we'll have to wait and see

What happens to rex in star wars the clone wars series?

Rex's fate is a mystery to be revealed. As is Ahsoka Tano.