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Absolutely. New advances in technology, which are produced every day, are rapidly changing the careers of the day, as well as creating new jobs. On the other hand, they are also replacing jobs in some instances, such as the invention of cell phones has nearly eliminated the need for phone booths.

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Q: Will changes in technology affect the future careers?
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Do all scientific discoveries require the invention of new technologies?

I think it does because technology is the future

What would life be like without technology?

( : Hello . . . Books ( could equal ) c = a form of technology. The Time Machine by H G Wells c = a warning to not let go of technology. There c = warnings in books of possible future problems. Not all people are able to read a book c = that there c = other forms of technology to get warnings of future problems, like tv and the internet. With technology past and present and possible future problems c = discussed and dealt with. Hope you have a happy Tuesday. ( :

What is the metaphor of technology is the bridge of your future?

This refers to the fact of technology becoming an increasing part of our daily lives. People are becoming quite reliant on technology in all aspects of career fields (business, economics, law, etc.). In order to be competitive on the 'market' one must have an understanding and competence of the latest technology.

Advantages and disadvantages of gene technology?

The advantages of gene technology is that it is able to provide scientific evidence and research into areas of health that will add to what doctors already know about specific diseases. Gene technology will assist in predicting the future about medicine. The disadvantage of gene technology is that by medical standards, it is still in its infancy and there are many uncertainties attached to the technology that is being used.

How does solar energy affect future career goals?

Solar energy will definitely have effects on the future, it will affect the manufacturing field ( most secondary industries) and tertiary industries in minor ways. Gasoline will of less demand, and yes, you can get a job as a solar panel maker.

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The meaning of future directions from research is the findings from a research that give indications on possible changes in the future. This is common in technology and medicine.

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Putting the events 100 years in the future

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Youths may seem pampered today because they are surrounded by technology and sometimes donâ??t spend time outside. However, this knowledge of technology can help them in their future careers.

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we would learn how to reproduce with robots,lol,i tried to but couldnt...yet

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Not everybody wili be able to vote!!

How changes to the voting process brought about by Jacksonian Democracy affect politics in the future?

Not everybody wili be able to vote!!