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I have been affected with an illness brought on by birdmites that were nesting in the ceiling at an apartment where I used to live. I suffered sic years listening to doctors telling me I'm crazy, I did these sores myself by scratching, etc. The list is long. My ears were clogged with no-see-ums and salt and peper size parasites, so I went to my ENT. He told me I had cystitis. He looked at me for about half a second and knew what it was. I knew this was a secondary infection due to the parasites that were still burrowing under my skin. He prescribed Ciprofloxacin and a pain medicine for my infected ears and nasal passages.

I started 500mg of ciprofloxacin twice a day four days ago. The first pill was effective. The crawling started right away and the scabs were healing super-fast. The second dose was just as effective. Today it is still effective and I am healing so fast. I hardly feel the things anymore. They're running away and dying quickly.

I've read the reviews about this drug and really don't care about the side effects. It's working for me. My back did blister badly but that meant it was working correctly. People call it an al;lergic reaction. Maybe -- however I am convinced that the pimpled blisters are bacteria that needed to be expelledc from my body. They healed within 2 days.

Ciprofloxacin makes your skin dry and flaky. Not too big of a problem. Once you are done purging the garbage out of your body, you can see the difference. This stuff is powerful. The side effects went away after the 2nd dose. My scalp feels better too. The boils under the skin (cysts) are gone already.

I feel so much better -- human again. I feel some minor skin crwl senasations and my ears still need to be cleaned out by the ENT doctor tomorrow. He had to treat the cystitis first. I read somewhere that a bug bite can cauise cystitis. It all comes together now in my situation. I should be clear of this by 2 weeks however I am going to refill the other 2 weeks prescription for peace of mind. Six years is a long time to suffere this way. The parasites hate this stuff. It is made with hydrochloride sodium (salt, I suppose). Salt kills parasites. What better way than to do it from the inside as opposed to the skin creams. There is no better way. They are drinking my salty blood and it's killing them.

My answer to the question is "yes". Good luck getting a doctor to understand the parasite issue though. Be aware of abandoned birds nests near your homes and windows. Call an exterminator to get rid of them.

My bosses ex-wife was opening a chimney shute and a bords nest fell, a cloud of dust flew up in her face. She has what I have. She went through the same things I did. A lot of people think this is Morgellons. It's bird mites. This Cipro seems to be the cure in my case.



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