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No it will not kill you there is no proof of that.

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Q: Can you die off of eating paper?
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What happens if you eat toilet paper?

It's like eating paper- it's not good for you, but you won't die. if you eat toilet paper it will do nothing to you but do not eat toilet paper.

Can you die from eating paper towels?

Yes, the cellulose in the paper can clog up your small intestine and cause your feces to exit you genitailia

What side effects once you stop eating toilet paper?

The toilet paper is not toxic but a preference for eating paper is anomalous and it is a eating disorder, a psychiatric problem.

Can you die from eating toliet paper?

Besides why would you eat it in the first place, that GROSS. DON'T EAT IT AT ALL.

Your betta is not eating and looks paper thin is he getting ready to die?

I would say that you should get that beta to the vet as fast as you can!

Would dwarf hamsters eat blankets?

Yes, and if you don't take it off the can die of eating it.

Is paper eating safe in pregnancy?

No, it is not safe to eat paper.

How long will you live after eating toilet paper for three years?

I doubt that after three years of eating nothing but toilet paper, you would even be alive. Toilet paper contains no calories, or vitamins, and therefore your body wouldn't get any food, and it would die. Even if you did manage to survive, then that toilet paper will have damaged your health terribly, and you may need multiple transplants or blood transfusions.

I eat paper and cant seem to stop am i anemic?

Why are you eating paper????

What causes the urge of eating paper?

The urge to eat paper, or other non-food items such as coal, chalk, paint chips, or dirt is an eating disorder called pica.

What would the microbes do after eating up all the oil?

Once the food source is gone, the microbes die off.

Can chihuahuas die from eating mold?

It may die from eating mold.