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If a rooster has not been in contact with the hen, there will be no chicks. The birds and the bees with chickens are much like humans, at least for fertilization. There has to be mating for there to be babies.

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8y ago

If a rooster has never been present in flock, then the eggs those hens lay are not fertilized and cannot be incubated or hatched.

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Q: Will eggs hatch if there is no rooster?
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What is a rooster needed for?

If eggs are to be incubated for hatch, they must be fertilized. That is where the rooster comes in.

What other ways that eggs with shells can be hatched?

the answer is you have to have a rooster with your chicken to fertilize the egg or nothing can hatch

Can chickens hatch eggs without the help of a rooster?

If the rooster was around a week before the eggs were laid then, yes, they can be hatched. But if there has never been a rooster around then, sorry, there can't be any chicks. You can buy already fertilized eggs for chickens to sit on and hatch even if you don't have a rooster.

Does a chicken egg have to be fertilized by a male chicken to make a chick?

They lay eggs daily, but if you want chicks you have to have a male to fertilize the eggs.

How do farm raise hens conceive?

They are mated by a rooster, which fertilizes the eggs. They lay fertilized eggs, and then incubate them until the hatch occurs.

If an egg hatches only when the hen mates with a rooster otherwise the laid eggs never hatch. What is the purpose of hen laying eggs regularly if it is not meant to hatch?

The act of laying the egg is natures way of ensuring that IF the hen is mated she can produce chicks. In the wild a hen may not have a rooster available at all times but will be capable of reproduction on the chance meeting of a rooster.

Do chickens and roosters hatch their eggs in their mouth?

No, absolutely not. Hens sit on their eggs until they hatch. They actually nestle their feathers above and around the eggs and keep them warm, but people say they are sitting or setting on their eggs.

If you put a rooster egg between your butt cheeks can it hatch?

No because roosters do not lay eggs

How many eggs does a chicken have to lay before one can hatch?

There is no certain number of eggs a chicken has to lay before any can hatch. The requirements for an egg hatching are as follows: 1. A rooster to fertilize the eggs. 2. The hen's willingness to sit on the eggs for at least 21 days.

How old to breed hen?

Most hens will begin laying eggs at 6 months of age. If you want to hatch these eggs the hen must have been with a rooster. There is no danger in breeding a hen too early unless the rooster is overly agressive.

Do roosters contribute to low cholesterol eggs?

the only thing roosters contribute to an egg is fertilization so that it can hatch into a chicken or rooster

Do you need a rooster for hens to lay?

No. Chickens will lay perfectly good eggs without a rooster. In fact, many people prefer not to keep a rooster, because they don't want to find a fertilized egg that was a little too far along.