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ANSWER:No. The glass isn't thin enough to be effected by the gradient temperature change. If they were thinner, maybe. But most eye glasses are thick enough to accept the change in temperature.
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Q: Will eyeglass lenses crack in freezing temperatures?
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What causes the engine block to crack?

Lack of anti-freeze in sub-freezing temperatures. The water in the block freezes and expands.

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Overcharging or defective battery. They will also crake in freezing temperatures if the battery has lost it's charge.

What causes a engine to crack?

Engine blocks can crack from many different reasons. Improper antifreeze ratio during freezing temperatures, internal engine component malfunctions (such as throwing a rod), etc.

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No, plastic garden planters need to be kept in a warm and dry place. They shouldn't be exposed to extreme temperatures, as this ruins the plastic and causes it to crack.

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Ice freezing in a crack of a rock is considered weathering.

Is ice freezing in a crack of a rock considered weathering or erosion?

Ice freezing in a crack of a rock is considered weathering.

Does freezing then thawing a mechanical weathering of a rock?

Yes, it is a form of mechanical weathering. Water manages to get into a crack in a rock, and with cold temperatures, freezes. When transferring from a liquid to a solid, the molecules of water expand by crystallization, widening the crack in the rock.

Does Freezing makes a rock crack?


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stressWater freezing in a crack in a rock

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Will it damage pots if I store them in freezing conditions?

If water is left in the pots they may crack from the freezing and thawing process.