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Q: Will granuloma tumors in the lung turn into cancer?
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How do you get a granuloma tumor in the lung?

My pulmonologist tells me that the granuloma tumors that I have in my lungs (four in the left lung and one on the right) is from the COPD. He has ruled out sarcoidosis. I would like to know that are the chances that these granuloma tumors will turn cancerous.

Can sarcoidosis turn into lung cancer?

Not usually.

Can fatty tumors turn to cancer?

Tumors are often cancerous already. ==== Most fatty tumors are benign and they stay that way. I would speak to a physician if you have concerns about this.

Can someone have symptoms of lung cancer that turn out to be another disease?

Yes the symptoms for lung cancer such as coughing wheezing and tightness in the chest can also mean asthma. Someone who suffers from cystic fybrosis can appear to have lung cancer, pnumonia can also mimic symptoms that are similar to lung cancer.

What are two ways the risk of types of cancer can be reduced?

One way is that they maybe able to "turn off" cancer before it causes to much damage to the body. Another way to reduce some types of cancer is to use drugs that block the flow of blood to tumors. Without a blood supply, tumors might not be able to continue growing.

Can smoking weed turn your brain green?

NO! But it can give you lung and gum cancer...and of cource stain your teeth. - Miss. Chanel

How bronchitis emphysema and lung cancer affect the respiratory system?

all of them turn the lungs a deep shade of black and sometimes shrivel them up

What are the types of Brain Tumors?

Primary brain tumors can be benign or cancer.Usually, benign tumors are often removed, and that they seldom grow back.Benign brain tumors usually have a clear border or edge. Cells from benign growths rarely invade tissues around them.They don't spread to other parts of the body.Benign tumors can continue sensitive areas of the brain and cause serious health problems.Unlike benign tumors are sometimes life-threatening.Benign brain tumors may become turn into cancer.Malignant brain tumors contain cancer cells:Malignant brain tumors are generally more serious and sometimes are a threat to life.They are likely to grow rapidly or invade nearby healthy brain tissue.Cancer cells may break free from the malignant brain cancer and spread to other parts of the brain or to the medulla spinal.

Can Pituitary adenoma turn into cancer?

can a piituitory adenoma turn into cancer

How do asbestos and radon differ?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has had many commercial uses during the last century, so it can be found in many building materials and other objects. Excessive exposure through inhalation can result in asbestosis, lung cancer, or mesothelioma (another kind of cancer). Asbestos seems to produce cancer through the physical interaction of its fibrous structure with living cells. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas with no significant commercial application. Excessive exposure through inhalation can result in lung cancer. Radon produces cancer because it emits ionizing radiation which in turn produces cancer upon sufficient exposure.

Does lung cancer affect men or women more?

The way that breast cancer affect men and women is that, for instance if a man or woman falls and get their breast hit really hard, it increases his or her chance of getting breast cancer.If he or she gets breast cancer in the breast will grow a tumor that will cause him or her to have a lump on their breast.But the reason why men and women get breast cance still remains a secret for those those men and women who have breast cancer.

How can smoking affect your body?

it can make you out of breath from doing simple things like walking up a fligh of stairs, it can give lung cancer and turn your lungs black, and it can thin you blood vessels/vains