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No it wont trust me it wont

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Q: Will greasy hair eventually wash itself?
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How do you stop greasy hair?

Wash it.

Is it better to curl your hair when its greasy or just washed?

wash it. no one likes greasy hair

What might cause greasy hair?

the causes of greasy hair are, not washing your hair often enough. and using to much conditioner. WASH UR GREASY HAIR!

How do you prevent your hair from getting greasy?

Wash it

Should you wash your hair everyday if you get sweatie?

Yes, you should wash your hair if you are sweaty. Washing your hair is on an "as needed" basis. If your hair is greasy or sweaty you need to wash it.

Can you use shower gel to wash your hair?

No it will make your hair greasy and oily.

Does hair wash itself?

Never. Hair cannot wash itself you must wash it.

Why you wash your hair?

so your hair doesn get manky and greasy what happens if you dont wash your hair ugh it makes me heave even thinking about it

Can you wash your hair after 1 day?

Yes. It is recommended to wash your hair every second day as this prevents greasy hair. If you need to wash your have after one day then do, but not regularly.

How do you keep hair non greasy throughout a day?

You wash it at night.

Is greasy hair good?

no it is not- use a clarify shampoo to keep the hair folices clean- you are sufficating the hair- use a condintioner to match your hair texture-thin-thick ect. I think it might do? Greasy hair is just the natural oils returning to your hair, because when you wash it, these get stripped. It doesn't suffocate your hair! If you left your hair greasy for long enough, it would start to clean itself...but long means about six months!

Why does your hair get all greasy after swimming?

Smell bad. In the future it eventually fall off if you continued to not wash it for a long amount of period.