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Cichlid food is designed for mainly carnivorous fish to eat. Guppies are omnivorous and so would be able to eat some of the cichlid food but they would be missing out on a large part of their diet. Tropical fish flakes are fairly well balanced for guppies.

Once again i recommend reading the ingredient list of the two different fish foods and comparing the different values. If the one you want to supplement is lacking in something that fish has in it's specific food then supplement it in If you read the labels you will see almost no to actually NO difference between the foods for many fish other than the picture on the label of the food. New Life Spectrum Fish food has a small but very very high quality well researched fish food product line with many many different species on each label and just a general name like community formula or Cichlid formula or small fish formula or growth formula to differentiate. I strongly recommend you research your food before making a decision on what food to feed them. A higher quality food like NLS means you feed less and though you may pay more initially you actually end up saving money in the long run on food. Not to mention the health benefits the quality of the food provides and the reduction of waste allowing for better water quality between water changes that leads to less disease outbreaks over the lifetime of the tank and less money spent on expensive meds.

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13y ago
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15y ago

Yes, they will eat tropical fish food, as it is recommended as part of their daily diet. Make sure the fish food is good quality though and throw away fish food that you've had for more than 6mos-1year depending on packaging as it will lose all of its nutritional value.

However, for optimal health, they will eat some algae to supplement their diet, as well as small crustaceans, worms and insects such as mosquito larvae, live brine shrimp or tubifex worms. Feed these sparingly though, around 1-2 times a week.

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What do guppies fish eat?

Guppies are omnivores and do OK on normal Tropical fish flakes.

What cant guppies eat?

Any good tropical flake food is great for guppies. You can get fish flake online at www.bigalsonline.cmo at a great price.

What do guppies normally eat?

Fish food.

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No, you should just feed them tropical fish flakes!

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no saltwtr fish eat saltwtr food tropical fish eat tropical food fresh watr fish eat fresh watr food

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If the goldfish is big enough and the guppies small enough, yes the guppies could well be eaten by the goldfish. Also, guppies should never be with guppies are guppies are tropical fish and goldfish are coldwater fish.

Can guppies eat tropical fish flakes?

Yes, they will eat almost any type of flake food, their diet should include a variety of different foods for good health.

Can goldfish eat tropical fish food?

yesYes, they can. Goldfish can eat tropical fish food my Goldfish loves it! Except catfish need those tablet food they CANNOT eat tropical fish food! hope this helps XD

Are goldfish and guppies compatible?

no, guppies like to eat the big tails of the golden fish , and golden fish will die Goldfish tend to be a cold water fish, while guppies are tropical fish requiring temperatures between 72 and 80+ degrees Fahrenheit .

What do guppies eat other than fish food?

Guppies and their fries, their babies, eat mostly - Duckweed, Elodea, and Algae.I hope this helps!

What do tropical fish eat A-Z?


Who eat guppies?

Adult guppies eat their own babies, and fish like tuna eat guppies.