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As the owner of a property you have a duty to take steps to secure your property and make it safe. You also have an obligation to address maintenance issues that might endanger others.

If you know the tree is a threat, you have a duty to remove or mitigate the threat in some way. failure to address a known threat to the safety of others that exists on your property can be construed as negligence. It's a maintenance issue and Home Owners Insurance does not provide payment for maintenance.

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Q: Will homeowner's insurance pay to remove a tree that is a threat to a neighbor's house?
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Will homeowners insurance pay for removal of a tree that could be threat to property?

Homeowners Maintenance ResponsibilitiesActually, If you know the tree is a Hazard, You should have it removed. This is a maintenance issue, Not an insurance issue.The best way to "lose" your homeowners insurance policy is to use it as a home and property maintenance plan.

Does homeowners cover imminent threat to your home?

If I understand your question properly the answer is no. Insurance is not designed to cover maintenance or repairs to the home that were not caused from a covered cause. Such as a dead tree leaning over your home that you think will fall on the house. Not only does insurance not cover removal of the tree prior to damage but it also puts a responsibility on you to remove it before it causes damage. If you know about a threat or should know about a threat it is your responsibility to mitigate the damages.

If you advise an insurance company about a dead leaning tree but do not remove it and it falls in a storm are you covered for the damage?

You are covered if they did not instruct you to take it down and your insurance is still in force. But, if you read your homeowners policy carefully I am sure you will find that it is your resposnibility to take it down if it poses a threat of property that being said, they could deny a claim. 4lifeguild

Could a homeowners insurance company cancel your policy for having a dead tree on your property?

Yes if it poses a property damage or liability threat. But, they should have sent you notice of intent to cancel if you did not have it removed in a set period of time. You must remove it now as you will have great difficulty obtaining coverage going forward. 4lifeguild

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Yes. The problem is that the swingset poses an "attractive threat" and without a fence, there is no safety measure. There are two options, add a fence (with a lockable gate) or remove the swingset.

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Does home owners insurance cover bat removal?

There are several different homeowners insurance and commercial insurance policies. They are slightly different in each state because every state has different problems. For example the Northern state have ice dams and Southeastern state have significant Hurricane threat. California has significant earthquake threat. Therefore you should read your own insurance policy to see the actual working that would be used to determine if you have coverage for a claim to remove bats. Once you have your policy handy look for this section Section I Perils Insured Against. It is found on the policy I am looking at on Page 8 of 22. This is where the policy goes over some items they will not pay for in relation to dwelling and other structures. Now that you in the right place go to # 6 which states Any of the Following. It says this "Birds, Vermin, Rodents or insects". What this means is that the insurance policy was written or designed so as not to pay for damaged caused by Birds, Vermin, Rodents, or Insects. This is the wording in a standard Homeowners insurance policy. Notice it does not mention Bats. So is a bird a bat? You need to look up the definition of a bird and go from there. If a bat is considered a bird then no coverage. If it is unclear if a bat is a bird then it is a questionable claim. The insurance company may ask a coverage attorney who researches these type items everyday. They actually have a library of these research items grouped by state and policy. Why? because policies, wording, courts are different in each state. If you file a claim and are denied you really lose nothing but it does put a claim on your record. I would ask how much is it costing to remove bats? Your deductible on your home insurance should be $500 to $1000 dollars.

Does homeowners insurance cover lightning strike on trees in yard?

If the lightning struck tree falls on our covered home and damages it, your insurance will cover it. If you've just got a lightning struck tree out in te yard, then that's considered a yard maintenance issue. The tree should be removed if it poses an increased threat to your property.