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Q: Will hot water spread poison ivy?
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Can poison ivy spread after you have washed the oil off?

It is very rare for a poison ivy rash to spread after the oil has been washed off.

Will poison ivy blisters spread the poison if broken open?

No, the poison will not spread from the fluid in the blisters. Only from the oil from the plant itself.

Can blisters from poison ivy present on an individual be spread to another individual if the oils have not been present for some time?

NOT TOO MANY YEARS AGO, doctors as well as the public in general believed that poison ivy could be spread from oozing sores on the skin caused by poison ivy., we now KNOW that this is NOT true. The only way for poison ivy to spread is from the ORIGIONAL oils from the ivy plant that remains on the skin or the clothing. Once the oils are cleaned away from the skin or clothing, the only way to spread poison ivy is to come in contact with fresh oil from the plant.

How do you wash poison ivy?

with water

How does poison ivy rash start out?

Typically several hours to about a day after contact with the poison ivy plant (the leaves or the vine) or oil from the plant. Note that you can get a poison ivy rash if someone who is not sensitive touches the plant and then gets urushiol (the oil that causes a reaction in some people to poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac) on your skin. You can even get a poison ivy rash from petting your dog or cat after it has brushed up against a poison ivy plant. Also note that the vines and the leaves can contain urushiol long after the plant has died, and burning poison ivy foliage can release the urushiol into the air, potentially causing a poison ivy rash on the inside of your lungs. If you know that you have come in contact with poison ivy but have not yet developed the rash, you may be able to prevent or reduce the rash by washing in cold water with special soap that binds to the urushiol. However, washing in warm or hot water will spread the urushiol across a larger area of skin.

Will pool water cure poison ivy?


How do you dry poison ivy?

there are lots of ways to cure poison ivy, but one of the popular est is to wash the affected area and cold water with soap. if you use this cure within 5 minutes then it will keep the poison from seeking into your skin. a big mistake most people make is using hot water but this does not work, it opens the pores in your skin and lets the poison seek in.

How does thick leathery leaves help poison ivy?

All plants develope ways of surviving the extremes. The thick, waxy leaves of poison ivy slow transpiration or loss of water during dry,hot times. Hope you don't get it.

Is the allergen in poison Ivy sap a water-soluble or lipid- soluble molecule. explain your reasoning?

Lipid-soluble because water spreads poison ivy

If poison ivy gets on honeysuckles and you drink the honey will you get poison ivy?

No, you will not get poison ivy.

What is posin ivy?

poison ivy is a piousness plant that gives you itchy bumps all over you body and is very easy to spread

What is the tagalog of poison ivy?

poison ivy