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Q: Will i be able to donate plasma taking seroquel(quetiapine)?
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Can you take phentermine and still donate plasma?

Yes, you should be able to donate plasma while taking phentermine. I recommend reaching out to the donation center and asking. I go to BioLife and am prescribed phentermine and am still able to donate plasma.

Can a 15-year-old child donate blood?

Unfortunately not, you must be over the age of 18 before you are able to donate blood and/or plasma.

Can you donate plasma if you take clonazepam?

I was told today at the Canadian Blood Service (after taking time off work to donate because O- was in demand) that I was ineligible to donate within 24 hours of taking quetiapine (seroquel). Their reasoning was that the loss of blood may decrease the effectiveness of the drug, even though I only take it to sleep and it was 18 hours since my last dose, 6 hours before my next one. Disappointing.

Can someone who had a splenectomy donate plasma?

no,you would not be able to give blood after having a spleenectomy,besides the surgery you are already compromised without the spleen and don't need to decrease your white cells,used to fight infection even though they they will increase again,don't take the risk.

Does having herpes prevent you from donating plasma?

Currently having chicken pox (herpes virus) would prevent you from donating plasma (since you would be 'unwell'). Having had chicken pox in the past will not prevent you donating plasma or blood. Currently having shingles ( a reactiviation of the chicken pox virus) would prevent you from donating plasma/blood (again, you would be considered 'unwell'). However having a cold-sore (again, herpes virus), or minor herpes on a small patch of skin should not prevent you from being able to donate plasma/blood.

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Which kind of blood are people able to donate?

All people are able to donate blood, whether they are type A, B, Ab or O. In order to donate blood the person must be on his/her legal age, must not be underweight, and has no intake of alcohol in the past 7 days.

How do you get off national donor deferral registry?

It simply can't be done unless you can prove you were put on there by accident (a mis-mark at a donation center that resulted in you being added to the NDDR or something similar of which you are not to blame). Once you're on the list, you're there until the FDA changes its laws regarding whatever put you on there in the first place.

Where can you donate your car?

You can donate your car to many charities including Donate Car USA, Purple Heart, Habitat for Humanity, or Cars Helping America, just to name a few. Regardless of where you donate your car, you should be able to receive a tax credit for your next tax return.

Can I donate my kidney if I've had chemotherapy?

I would have thought that having had a serious illness that required chemotherapy the doctors would not feel you are suitable to be able to donate a kidney.

Donate blood on Klonopin?

Individuals are able to donate blood while they are on Klonopin. Make sure to tell the nurse the types of medications you are on before donating blood.

How often can one donate blood?

At the place I go to, (ZLB Plasma Services) you have to wait 58 days before they will let you donate plasma. This is because they want you to have enough whole blood to be able to keep you healthy after you donate plasma. It will keep you from getting sick from losing too much good stuff your body needs.