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Yes, ink on paper may hurt compost. Ink tends to be problematic when it has toxic ingredients. The toxins possibly will discourage the presence of beneficial macro- and micro-organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and worms.

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Q: Will ink on paper hurt the compost?
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Yes.because it is a paper whatever there is an a ink you can recycle it

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no the rapid dry ink 2435 is not organic

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the steam from the compost has air born partials that if you have a weak immune system can indeed make you sick.

What is the cost of paper compost liners?

Variable is the cost of paper compost liners. The expense reflects the supplier and the transport. On-line orders tend to include shipping costs.

What is paper made into after it's been used?

New paper, compost, fuel, insulation.

How you can remove ink or erase ink from paper?

with polish and bleach