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Your period stops when you have sex and if this is your first time it is possible there will be blood. Use protection at all times.

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Q: Will it bleed more when we sex during the last day of the periods?
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Can you get your period twice in one month with the IUD?

If you have occasional heavy spotting between periods it is something to discuss with your doctor but may not be serious. If this just started and continues for more than two months, definitely see your doctor as the IUD may be becoming implanted and cause serious injury.

I had unprotected sex 10 days before my period was supposed to start my period ended up being 10 days late could i be pregnant?

Yes, It is possible, I was told by my mother, that you can ovalate, seven day's before your cycle or seven day's after. You only ovalate on one day, but, who knows which day out of 14 days? I lived by this. I have only two children, which I had, by NOT following her rule. I had no children when I followed the Rule she gave me. I see that you did start, but was three day's late! You maybe alright, then!! Usually, women don't have periods, after they concieve. Although, their have been some cases that I have been told that they did have a few periods even thought they were pregnant. But, that's only some. Just wait until after your period and take a pregnancy test. Try not to worry though, worry can cause our periods to mess up, which causes more worry. Wish you well!!

When you have your period there more blood in the toilet not the pad?

During menstruation as the blood leaves the vagina it can remain around the vaginal opening and the vulva, thus it doesn't drip down onto the pad and instead when you urinate the urine washes the blood from the vulva and into the toilet.

What does complicate mean?

The word complicates is the present tense of the verb to complicate, meaning to make more complicated or more complex, or in other words, to complicate is the opposite of to simplify. The addition of more details, more problems, more aspects of a given situation are all things that can complicate it.

What does 'bit off more than I can chew' mean?

I took on more work than I can do.

Related questions

Are women hornier on their period?

Some Answer More than some, actually most women who have experienced sex while on their peroids want more of the same each time they bleed and the first week before their period, during their period and the week after their periods they are at their hottests.

Why does periods last for a month or more?

You need to go and speak to your doctor about it

Is it normal for a menstrual cycle to last more than a week?

The full menstrual cycle is usually counted from the first day you bleed(day 1), through when it's stopped, until you start to bleed again. So the day before the next bleed is the last day of your cycle. Menstrual bleeding though can last for a little more than a week without there being anything wrong.

What are problems virgin ladies face during periods?

Generally, the problems that virgin ladies face during periods are similar to those who are not virgins. Some common problems include cramps, prolonged periods and so much more.

Does being sterilised stop your period?

A hysterectomy removes the womb where the blood gathers. So after a hysterectomy you get no more periods. But if you have had your tubes tied (tubal ligation) then you will continue to have periods.

Should a woman bleed for more than two weeks?

In general, a woman should not bleed for more than two weeks when she is on her period. Even after childbirth the general rule of thumb is that a new mother will bleed for about 2 weeks. However, sometimes her period will last longer than that.

How much do staffys bleed in heat?

All dogs are different, but it is usually not more than a few drops a day. Of course, some dogs bleed more heavily than others but this will only last for 10-14 days.

You are 24 and you bleed heavy for a month?

Take contraceptive birth control pills, it decreases the days in your period and makes your periods a lot lighter. [Contact your doctor for more information]

Do cows bleed from having a period?

Cows do not have periods. But they do show a little bloody discharge a few days after going out of heat. See the related questions below for more info.

What makes you Bleed between periods while on the pill?

hormonal changes, insertion of objects, stress, undiagnosed vaginal infection, implantational bleeding (one of the first signs of pregnancy), among others are the main causes for bleeding between periods for any woman.

What do periods cause?

Hmm, well I guess periods just cause your vagina to bleed. But, I'm not sure if there is more period causes because I'm really young right now and let's just say I'm under 11 years old.

When you first start your period how many days do you bleed for?

Your first period is usually pretty short since your body is still getting used to menstruation. As you grow older, your periods should become more regular, and the bleeding should last for 3-7 days (approximately) and occur every month.