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Q: Will it take 4 days for a big sun burn to heal?
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It depends how bad it is, it should be gone in a couple of days or maybe week/s

Can a cut heal in 4 days?

yes according to how big or small it is

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it can if it gets really big but it will heal in approximately 5 days or so

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Two weeks maximum for it to scab over, but you may have a scare for life.

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depends how big you are

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3-5 days .but if it is a big package it might take more days

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3.5 days

How long does it take for a burn to go away?

so far my daughter has had a blister on palm of hand that has lasted 5 days and is raised aprox. 1/2 in over palm. Burn caused by wood stove. it's still full of fluid and not popped. 06/06/11-I've got one on the palm of my hand from a plastic oven handle sticking to it. It's been about 2 weeks now and still full of fluid, but doesn't hurt at all. Just feels weird to have this big thing on my hand. I'm going to see how long it takes on its own.

How big does it take for the moon to revolve and rotate?

27.32 earth days.

How do heal a scratch in 2 days?

It depends on how big it is, if its really small if not then no. Foundation will cover it if you need to cover it. If you use foundation for it use the same colour as your skin colour.

How much time need to burn the forest up?

It matters how big the forest is and i think it also matters how you catch it or it catches on fire. like a giant forest might take two hours to burn up while a small forset can take a hour to burn up.

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channel is a big body of water which could take weeks or days to go is a big body of water which could take weeks or days to go over.