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No it does not. Breasts can temporarily increase their size with up to 25% when a woman is aroused and hey can also get a bit bigger when ovulation occur but nothing permanent and you usually don't see the difference.

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12y ago

Rubbing your breast will not make them bigger as messaging is the best from downward to opwards position wth olive oil

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Yes, massaging your breast will most likely cause them to grow. Even if it doesn't no harm will be done it trying.

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10y ago

Massaging your breasts does not make them grow bigger. That is a myth.

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Q: Will massaging your breasts make them bigger?
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Will the breasts make them bigger by massaging at the age of thirties and how?

Alas, no.

Can massaging your breasts under hot water stimulate breast growth?

No massaging will not make them bigger.

How do you make your breasts feel good?

Massaging your breasts with lotion feels really good

How can one manage to get bigger breasts?

One can manage to get bigger breasts by massaging one's breast everyday constantly. In addition, one can eat certain foods to get bigger breasts and a healthier body.

How do you make your breasts bigger by massaging them?

keep rubbing upwards and pull. your nipples within 3 months you might be as lucky as me and be 2 cup sizes bigger!!

How tO make your breasts bigger?

Well I don't believe in pills I heard that if you massage it for at least 10 Min's it will grow and also exercise such as push ups and things like that

What vegetables make your breasts grow?

I've heard some vegetables can help make them grow, but I'm afraid I can't remember them! Sorry! Although I do remember reading that massaging your breasts daily helps to make them bigger

Do push up bras make your breasts bigger?

The make you breasts look bigger but they do not make your breasts grow bigger.

Does massaging your nose outward make it bigger?


How can you make your breasts grow bigger and bigger?

You can't make your breasts grow bigger and faster. Your breasts grow as they are meant to and there is nothing you can do to speed-up that process or make them grow bigger.

Does carressing my breasts make my breasts bigger?

Caressing your breasts will not make your breasts bigger. One way to possibly increase the size of your breasts is to gain weight.

Is there a age limit to make massage for breasts to make them bigger?

Massage does not make breasts bigger. Female hormones do.