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Yes... i had a decaying molar and when the pain got so severe i decided to try to find a painkiller to take. All I could find was methadone and being so desperate for pain relieve, I took one pill (not sure of dosage). it worked quite well for the pain but it also cured it! I awoke the next morning and there was still no pain. I soon realized that the tooth partially grew out.

This happened more than 6 months ago and although my tooth continued to fall apart, the pain never returned!!

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13y ago
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11y ago

I would not recommend methadone for a tootache. Percocet, or Vicodin work much better or just plain old ibuprofen. Methadone will dull the pain a little bit but not as much as a regular opiate painkiller.

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11y ago

No, there is no truth to these rumors at all. While it could make your teeth deteriorate if you take it and don't take care of your teeth, many other medications can as well. It is important to rinse your mouth out after you take any liquid or pill medication so that it is not sitting on your teeth. With liquid methadone, some of it has a sugar flavoring solution to lesson the bitter flavor, so make sure to brush your teeth afterward. As long as you take care of your teeth, methadone will not directly contribute to your teeth falling out. But even after I say all this, there has been no study or evidence proving methadone causes your teeth to rot. I hear this a lot at methadone clinics, but what you need to understand is most people at methadone clinics are addicts, and many addicts do not take great care of their teeth or their health in general.

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10y ago

If you are on methadone and are having a toothache you can contact your doctor for medicines that you can take. Orajel can be applied to the tooth to help relieve the pain.

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Q: Can methadone make your teeth fall out?
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if your baby teeth falls out, it doesn't matter because it was going to fall out anyway. the whole point of braces are to make your teeth tighten and get them straight so when it was tightening your teeth, i think it caused your baby teeth to wobble and fall. but its ok because at least its not your adult teeth so dont worry! :)

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