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This is what I'm doing for my Science Fair :D. Yes, more vinegar will generate casein faster and with a higher consistency. I guess you can say more.....

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Q: Will more vinegar in milk make more casein?
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Does it matter if when you mix 1 percent milk with vinegar would it make more casein?


How do you make plastic from milk?

Its relatively simple. The plastic is called casein. Basically all you need to do is curdle the milk using vinegar. See the link for more detail.

Does chocolate milk and vinegar mix?

Casein is formed when you mix milk and vinegar,

Is there casein in soymilk?

yes soy milk contain more amount of casein is present than in milk

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Where does casein come from?

as far as i know, casein protein comes from egg, or can come from an extract of milk. casein is a more slow acting protein in comparison to a whey protein which has been more broken down in the digestive path. also whey proteins have around 15 amino acids added to the formula. as far as i know, casein protein comes from egg, or can come from an extract of milk. casein is a more slow acting protein in comparison to a whey protein which has been more broken down in the digestive path. also whey proteins have around 15 amino acids added to the formula.

Casein and gluten?

Yes, casein and gluten are somewhat related. They are both proteins - gluten is a protein found in wheat/grain products and casein is a protein found in dairy products. Many times, if one protein is a problem, the other will be too. Gluten free casein free (GFCF) diets have become more prominent for this reason.

Why does casein precipitate upon the addition of acetic acid?

The precipitation of casein in its uncombined form by the addition to milk of one or another acid forms the basis of all methods of preparation. These differ widely, however, in the subsequent purification In the method of Hammarsten, just enough alkali is added to dissolve this casein completely. The alkalinity reached in this process somewhat modifies its physical properties but probably not its composition. In the method of Van Slyke and Bosworth the last trace of calcium is removed by adding oxalate to an ammoniacal solution of the casein, but this procedure was shown to be unnecessary by Van Slyke and Baker. The present process is based in large part upon that of Van Slyke and Baker, the modifications depending upon the observation that casein forms far more soluble compounds with univalent than with bivalent bases at neutral reactions.

Why is skim milk blue?

When raw milk is allowed to stand for a day, the cream will rise to the top. This cream was skimmed off and the remaining milk was called skim milk. This method is no longer used in most dairies and a mechanical separation of cream and milk is used.

How do you clean Sunbeam hot and cold water dispensers?

To clean a Sunbeam hot and cold water dispenser you could use vinegar or milk of magnesia. Make sure it is unplugged before cleaning and completely drain the dispenser. Pour in around 4 cups of vinegar or milk of magnesia and 8 of hot water and leave for an hour. Afterwards make sure all traces of vinegar/milk of magnesia are absent by using more hot water.

How much milk do you use to bath in for a sunburn?

The more the better I think. But vinegar is cheaper and a lot more effective

What is meant by Liquid Rennet?

Rennet is an enzyme that is made by baby calves to digest milk. It acts by cleaving off the tails of Kappa Casein that surround the casein micelle, which allows the casein micelles to get closer to each other, thus causing them to bond together and precipitate. Rennet can be made by either harvesting out of the stomachs of the boy calves, that the farmer does not want and so sends to the freezing works. It can also be made synthetically using microbes. Hence you can have calf rennet or microbial rennet. Calf rennet is generally more effective, but it costs more and there is a limited supply. Rennet is used in the dairy industry to make both cheese and rennet casein.