

Will mothballs keep away snakes

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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  • Yes, they will; snakes can't stand the smell of mothballs because they smell poisonous.
  • Yes, I used them with great results!
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14y ago
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13y ago

no, but mongoose's will

I think the mongoose are illegal in the USA. Prevalent in the Japan Islands.....

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Joyce Washington

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3y ago

Will mothball keep snacke

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Q: Will mothballs keep away snakes
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Does mothballs keep dogs away?

No. moth balls only keep moths away. try again...

Do mothballs keep bees away?

Mothballs ineffective Animal's arent "repeled" from mothballs, but they may avoid (step over) them, if they were just placed there. Naphthalene and Paradichlorobenzene sublimate quickly, so for extended periods of time in the outdoors the chemical's would be so dilute. I even doubt they would be so much as unpleasent to animal's unless you fertilze your lawn with them. My answer is pretty much no. PLUS, if you place them near your house (say, under your deck or in an attached shed), chances are excellent YOU will be repelled by the odor, and will be constantly compelled to think about long days spent in your elderly aunt's attic (which, unless she stashed the cash she bequeathed to you up there, is/was not a pleasant experience). Now, we need an answer on "how long do mothballs take to decay?"Answer 2:Mothballs DO repel some animals. When used as intended they repel or kill insects such as moths and silverfish. There is some evidence they repel snakes and keep away mice or other pests.

Does the product snake away keep snakes away?


Do mothballs and sulfur keep snakes away?

They really do.It's amazing how they stay away .They wont stay away forever though .They hate the smell, but once the smell is gone, they will come back into the area. A 6" border around the area to be controlled is adequate for rattlesnakes, smaller snakes require thinner borders.Spread the sulfur or mothballs around the area you have been seeing the snakes. (Try to only use it if snakes have been entering your home or under it, sulfur can be poisonous to other animals.) Close off any openings that a snake could be coming in through. The snakes don't like the smell of these chemicals, so they should stay away.

Does mothballs keep cats away?

Because they can be fatal if ingested, mothballs are not a safe choice to deter cats. Two safer alternatives are vinegar and ammonia.

Related questions

Will mothballs chase away wasps?

While it is not proven that mothballs will keep wasps away, there is evidence that they do. Mothballs also seem to keep small rodents away too.

Can you put moth balls around your home to keep snakes from getting in my basement and keep them out of your home?

Mothballs will not deter snakes.

Does mothballs keep dogs away?

No. moth balls only keep moths away. try again...

Do mothballs keep bees away?

Mothballs ineffective Animal's arent "repeled" from mothballs, but they may avoid (step over) them, if they were just placed there. Naphthalene and Paradichlorobenzene sublimate quickly, so for extended periods of time in the outdoors the chemical's would be so dilute. I even doubt they would be so much as unpleasent to animal's unless you fertilze your lawn with them. My answer is pretty much no. PLUS, if you place them near your house (say, under your deck or in an attached shed), chances are excellent YOU will be repelled by the odor, and will be constantly compelled to think about long days spent in your elderly aunt's attic (which, unless she stashed the cash she bequeathed to you up there, is/was not a pleasant experience). Now, we need an answer on "how long do mothballs take to decay?"Answer 2:Mothballs DO repel some animals. When used as intended they repel or kill insects such as moths and silverfish. There is some evidence they repel snakes and keep away mice or other pests.

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Does sunflowers keep snakes away?

No it does not keep snakes away well it depends on the species but it is most likely not to keep the snakes away because i have two snakes and we tried @nd it did nothing

Do mothballs keep squirrels away?

Yes, mothballs keep pigeons (Columbidae clade) away. They do not provide healthy, safe interactions for many birds because of their sheltering two environmentally problematic chemicals: dichlorobenzene and naphthalene.

Do mothballs help scare snakes?


Do mothballs get rid of roaches?

Mothballs don't deter snakes directly. they may keep away mice and other rodents that the snake eats. If there is no food for the snakes, then the snakes wont hang around your house. I have heard that if you pour kerosene around your yard, they wont cross it because it burns or irritates their skin. Never tryed it but it's something to keep in mind.

Can roosters keep away snakes?

a Mongoose is really good at keeping snakes away

Does mothballs keep pigeon away?

They will but there are more effective control measures for them such as addressing the areas where they roost.

Will mothballs kill Stink bugs?

No-chigers are outside & too much ventilation.