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Only your insurance agent can tell you. I would think not. It's like getting an oil leak on your car. You pay for that. If the leaf is the result of something falling on your roof I believe that would be an insurance issue.

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Q: Will my homeowners insurance policy cover a roof leak. The room is 3 12 years old.?
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Will state farm homeowners insurance cover a rusted chimney cap?

No. A homeowners insurance policy does not ever ever cover maintenance of your home. A rusted chimney cap is definitely a maintenance issue. I have had to replace one in the last few years.

Does Allstate Homeowners Insurance cover Black Mold?

Not automatically No. You can however request a mold coverage endorsement to your policy for an additional premium. Answer #2 My insurance agent of 35+ years said that he has never seen coverage on any policy either residential or commercial from any insurance company that covers black mold, that you cannot buy a policy that will cover it.

Need homeowners policy on property you have occupied 13yrs without previous homeowners policy?

you had no insurance for 13 years? You should qualify for a state plan that will guarantee you coverage - contact a local insurance agent - and expect for the premium to be high

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the standard policy says two years

Will homeowners insurance cover golf clubs stolen from the car on the property?

Every homeowners policy is unique and you need to read through your policy to be sure but I can tell you that most homeowners policies will cover your personal property. Your homeowners policy will actually cover your personal property anywhere in the world (depending on your specific policy). If your clubs were stolen from your car and you are thinking of filing a claim just remember that you will be responsible for your homeowners deductible which is usually around $1,000. That means that you are responsible for the first $1,000 so if your clubs are worth $1,200 you would get a check for $200 from your insurance company. Most golf clubs aren't worth that much but if yours are do you really want to file a claim to get a $200 check? After you file that claim your homeowners insurance premium will increase for 3-5 years because you will be considered a higher risk by the insurance companies. One other thing to consider is that if your car windows were broken during the theft you will also have to file a claim with your auto insurance company if you want them to cover the window. Most auto policies will replace glass for free or very little.

Will homeowners insurance pay for your roof replacement?

It really depends on several factors such as the language of your Homeowners Insurance Policy, The condition of your roof but primarily, whether you have replacement valuation on your homeowners insurance policy. If your wanting your roof replaced simply because it is worn out then there is no policy that will cover it as that is just a normal and expected part of home ownership. Composition (Shingle) roofs need to be replaced about every 20 years or so. If your roof is severely damaged and a total loss due to a covered peril such as wind or hail damage, with replacement valuation coverage on your policy and the roof is beyond repair, then you should have no problem getting it covered for replacement by your insurer.

Does homeowners insurance cover theft of your car if it was taken out of your driveway?

No. Homeowners specifically excludes self-propelled vehicles with a couple of exceptions such as lawnmowers. The only way a vehicle would be covered in this case is if you have comprehensive coverage on an automobile policy. As a matter of full disclosure, I own and operate a small Independent Insurance Agency for the past 22 years and worked as an agent for direct writers for 3 years prior to that.

Does homeowners pay for fence damage by vandals with pellet guns?

Homeowners policies do cover vandalism and malicous mischief but unless the damage is extensive it may not meet your deductible. Another thing to remember these days is that insurance companies have been loosing money in homeowners insurance for several years. I always remind my clients that homeowners insurance is made for big losses not small ones. A homeowners policy is the most coverage for the lowest premium in the insurance business. With companies loosing money they are going to be more careful about who they write and if you are ever cancelled for too many claims you will find it hard to get new coverage at a reasonable cost.

What is an exclusion in an insurance policy?

An exclusion gives a condition for which an insurance policy does not cover. You may have homeowners insurance. It may exclude damage to vehicles. You would need to have a separate insurance policy on your car. If a hurricane came and the roof was blown off your house and your car was blown away. Your homeowners would pay for your roof but not your car. If you have collision insurance, it would pay for your car. Your homeowners would have an exclusion clause excluding your car.

Is suicide covered if the death is within 10 years of the policy origination?

No. Life Insurance policies do not cover suicide.

Does homeowner's insurance cover drainage pipes that are 50 years old and need to be replaced?

No, I'm afraid not. Homeowners insurance is for sudden unexpected losses that result from covered perils such as Fire, Wind, Hail, etc. Homeowners insurance never provides coverage for routine expected maintenance issues nor for upgrades.

Does home insurance go up if burglarized?

No. Homeowners insurance usually does not have surcharges for claims. However, you will loose any "claim-free" discounts that you have attained on the policy. If you have continuous claims the insurance company may require you have a higher deductible, get a security system, or cancel the policy. You don't want to have claims on your homeowners policy unless you have to. Homeowners insurance is for large claims not for small ones. Frequency of claims counts against you just as much as having a large claim. Homeowners policies are getting harder to get at good rates. If you have one protect your record and do what you have to so that you don't ruin the good coverage and rates you have. As a matter of full disclosure, I own and operate a small Independent Insurance Company in Central Georgia and have for the past 22 years. Prior to that I worked as an agent for a direct writer of insurance for 3 years.