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It depends on how many you killed, but I would say probly

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Q: Will my tree die if i cut back the roots with the lawn?
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Why a tree turns brown when its roots are cut?

The roots provide the life source to the tree , so, cut the roots, kill the tree.

How do you remove an Indian Sissoo tree?

Even if you cut it down, the roots will still grow back. You'll have to excavate ALL of the roots and the tree itself to get rid of it.

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Can large tree roots be cut without harming mulberry tree about 2 ft from trunk?

Not if you cut them all. Why do you want to cut them ? If the tree is in the wrong place remove it.

Can you cut live oak surface roots without killing the tree?

yes you can but if you cut too much you will kill the tree.

How do you remove a tree?

cut the roots, but not to much of the root or you will kill it

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When a pine tree is cut down will the roots still support a slope or small hillside?

When you cut the tree down the roots will live on and continue to support your slope. Slowly another tree will start to grow. However, if you kill the roots they will eventually rot out and your slope will lose it's support.

When you cut the tree down the roots will live on and continue to move?

probably not.

Do the roots of a oak tree keep growing after the tree is cut down?

Cutting a tree down dos not kill it. The roots are still alive and well and often put up shoots from the cut off trunk to replace the original trees canopy. Killing the root of a tree after it is cut down often entails digging the roots up or injecting the stump with herbicide or other poisons.

Can you cut above ground tree roots and tree survives?

You can trim a tree with no problem , but take too much and it will kill the tree.

Does each of the tree roots provide nutrition to the entire tree or just a section of the tree?

It is the small fiberous roots that get the nutrients and water from the soil, the larger roots are mainly for transporting the nutrients and water up to the tree. Each of the roots is responsible for a certain part of the tree. So if you were to cut off some roots, only the parts of the tree that they served would be affected.