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Q: Will nuclear fusion be controllable in the near future?
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Can you use the energy produced by nuclear fusion for something?

Sure, you can get a tan from it, since the Sun is a big fusion power reactor. In the near future we will be able to build fusion reactors here on Earth. Google "ITER" to see how it's going. In the meantime I suppose you can say the fusion power is actually solar energy.

Where does the sun's nuclear fusion occur?

Near the core (center).Near the core (center).Near the core (center).Near the core (center).

Is nuclear energy the most reliable?

no it is not it pollutes the earth and there may not be much of it in the near future

Is nuclear a renewable energy?

Nuclear fusion is not renewable. It requires hydrogen nuclei as an energy source, and once these have been used in fusion they are not naturally replenished. In fact, fusion power has a very high energy change, rendering it near impossible to reverse the process. A star, for example, is powered by nuclear fusion, and will eventually die out due to a lack of hydrogen.

Is there a possibility for personal, home nuclear power generation in the near future?

After searching for an answer to this question I can only find information on nuclear power generation in power station. I would assume that this complete lack of any information in relation to home nuclear power generation means it will not be a possibility in the near future.

What happens when energy from a nuclear fusion hits water?

By a nuclear fusion you must mean an H-Bomb. This releases tremendous heat energy so it will vaporise a lot of water if it explodes near the surface. The shock wave will also cause massive waves to be created.

What happens at 100 million degrees kelvin?

You get Nuclear Fusion, which produces an enormous amount of energy. The center of the sun, for example, is near 20 million degrees Kelvin

Why is the sun's energy generated mostly at its center and not near its surface?

At the center, both the temperature and the pressure are highest. Both a high pressure and a high temperature increase the likelihood of fusion.

What reactants were involved in the bombing of nagasaki?

Fusion Reactions - Nuclear fusion is a process where two or more nuclei combine to form an element with a higher atomic number (more protons in the nucleus). Fusion is the reverse process of nuclear fission. Fusion of light elements (the reactants) into heavier elements (the products) releases energy, (as it does fission of heavy elements into lighter elements). For fusion, the energy release occurs when the mass of the fusion products is smaller than the reactants. The difference between the total masses of all the protons and neutrons of a nucleus and the mass of the nucleus itself can be expressed in terms of the binding energy. The energy released is proportional to the difference in the masses as predicted by Einstein's famous equation, E=mc2. Fusion reactions power the Sun and other stars. - For a fusion reaction to occur it is necessary to bring the reactants so close together that nuclear forces become important and "glue" the reactants together. However, the range of interaction of the nuclear force is very small (10-15 meters), and the reactants (positively charged nuclei) repel each other because of the electrostatic force. For these reasons fusion most easily occurs in a high density, high temperature environment. - On Earth, nuclear fusion was reached first in the explosion of the Hydrogen bomb. In a non-destructive manner, fusion has also been reached in different experimental devices aimed at studying the possibility of producing energy in a controlled fashion (similar to what is presently done in nuclear power plants using fission). The D-T reaction is presently the best candidate for implementing a controlled fusion power station in the near future. - -Windowstotheuniverse-

Where can you get the underfist outfit on fusion fall?

fight level tens near the nuclear power plant infected zone and eventually you will find pieces of the outfit in sopper or sooper dooper crates

What were the two chemicals in the big bang?

Well, if you believe in such things, the Big Bang was only a mass Hydrogen, which exploded due to massive internal forces. Hydrogen then fused into all atoms in the universe today through the process of nuclear fusion, which is the same process as that occurs in the center of our sun, and in the hydrogen bomb. Nuclear fusion is not utilized in nuclear power plants, as the only sustainable level of nuclear fusion is to large to be contained. Essentially, it would melt everybody who tried to go near a fusion power plant. Nuclear physicist are constantly working on the theoretical process of "cold fusion", but have made very little advancement. It looks like this force may just be for stars bombs and universe making theories ;).

What would electricity be like in the near future?

Nuclear energy will run out in 2,100 AD and fossil fuels will run out in 2,300 AD. After that, clean and renewable energy will be commonly used. In the near future, most electricity will come from hydroelectric energy and geothermal energy.