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To my belief I think if your pores are open and you spend sometime in the cold it will effect you.Recently (today) I took a warm bath and shortly went to the washouse after about an hour I could not stop shaking oh and yes it was very cold outside(my teeth also began to chatter) and I had a very hrad time controlling it. So does it have an affect I think so, so much that I will not do this again.

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Q: Will open pores when its cold outside affect you?
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Will cold water close your pores?

No. The pores are the openings of the sweat glands. In heat you sweat and so open the pores. In cold you do the opposite.

What are open pores?

Open pores are pores that have been unclogged. You can do this by cleaning your face or steaming your face.

Do your pores open when you wash your hair?

Yes, indeed. Pores are always open.

Do pores open and close based on water temperature?

Hot water opens pores and makes them more noticeable. Wash, clean & rinse. When done, use cold water to close your pores & keep dirt out. It also makes pores appear smaller. The above answer is misleading. Pores do not really open and close. A complete old wives tale. Keeping your face clean will make your pores appear smaller and your face smoother.

I read that you initially wet your face with hot water becauses the pores to open then rinse with cold. By doing this will I have a slight break-out?

Washing your face in warm water allows you to clean the insides of the pores because the warm water causes the pores to expand. After cleaning your pores, you can use a mild astringent such as witchhazel to contract the clean, empty pores again--or cold water will do something similar. You could develop a break-out if the cleanser you use is too harsh, if you scrub your skin too hard, or if the hot-cold alternation inflames your skin, or if the pores were not cleaned thoroughly.

How do you minimize pores?

boil hot water and out your face over it. (this opens the pores). if you want to wash your face to get the dirty out of the open pores. then, quickly get something cold, like ice and rub it on your face. or rub the ice in a washcloth and tab your face. ( this should close the pores). it worked for me. hoped this helped :)

How do you get small pores?

Using facial scrub always open my pores.

How does the skin help monitor body temperature?

When you're hot your pores open up wider to let heat out, when you are cold, they close to keep heat in.

What happens to water outside?

If the water is left outside in an open container it eventually will evaporate. If left outside during cold weather it could freeze.

Do your pores open or close when your body is hot?

Its actually a myth that pores open and close depending on temperature. They don't change size in all.

Do pores open and close?

YESSSSSSSSSSS with the help of pores removing cream

If it is hot inside and cold outside what happens if you open a window?

Well what if it is really cold outside and hot inside what will happen then, did you think of that? hot and cold it only your opinion because it think 10000 degrees is cold and -1383 degrees is hot