

Will other life or aliens look like people?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Some UFO abductees say that they saw alien life that appeared humanoid. So ya!

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Q: Will other life or aliens look like people?
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one question is, is there life (like aliens) on other planets? another, is there more than one universe?

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Why are there people and animals only on Earth?

We don't know that for sure. There are many people involved in finding life on other planets. The type of carbon based life that Earth supports needs certain things to survive such as water, oxygen, a certain temperature, etc. Some people think all life needs this and so they are looking for planets with like conditions. Some people think life can be in different forms and that there could even be aliens here on earth with us. Some people don't think there are aliens anywhere and that we are the only life in the universe. We just don't know.