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Yes. If our period is late it is most likely because you ovulated later. The time that it takes to ovulate each month depends on how long your body reaches this estrogen threshold.

A woman can in fact ovulate anytime between day 8 and day 22 of her menstrual cycle. When high levels of estrogen are reached, LH surges and this surge triggers ovulation.

The luteal phase, which is the second half of the menstrual cycle lasts 14-15 days, that's why in order to know when a woman ovulated, she will have to subtract 14-15 days from her last menstrual period. WOmen with luteal phase defect ovulate even later. Luteal phase defect is a condition where the second half of the cycle lasts less than 10 days. This is often cause by low progesterone levels. Luteal phase defect is associated with infertility because if the egg is fertilize, it does not have enough time to implant itself in the uterus lining leading to a early miscarriage.

Many women can tell when their are ovulating because they have key symptoms of ovulation. They include higher basal body temperature, increase fertile cervical mucus, change of the cervix positioning, ovulation pain, ovulation spotting, nausea, lower back pain, etc.

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14y ago

Yes, if your period is late you ovulated later. Ovulation occurs 14-15 days before your period arrives. In order to make sure that your do ovulate later, it is a good idea to practice fertility charting or use ovulation kits. These are tools that allow women to detect their most fertile time of the month.

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Many women's bodies react to stress by delaying ovulation. If you have been going through a lot of stress ovulation may have been delayed (this is your bodies natural way of preventing pregnancy during a difficult time) and delayed ovulation will then delay your period. I've had cycles that are even 25 days longer than usual because of this. So a late period doesn't necessarily mean that you were pregnant. Hope that helps!

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