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Governments will have to pass laws putting a proper price on carbon emissions. We used to allow factories to dump their waste in rivers. Now they are heavily fined if they do. Governments will have to class carbon dioxide emissions as toxic waste.

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Q: Will people stop global warming or will the government have to pass laws?
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Are there any laws on global warming?

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What is being done to solve the problem Are there laws relate to Global warming?

Gas emission laws are put into place to help prevent global warming.

How do countries cause global warming?

With all of the emissions caused by the 600,000,000 plus vehicles on the road and the emissions of various companies, all countries contribute to global warming. (See below for more about the Greenhouse Effect). In order to help reverse this process, the government of the countries should impose laws to limit these emissions and work to create a greener future for all.

What southeast Asia country does not have an elected representative government but does participate in the global market?

Greece, over there they have the laws chosen by another group of people but they defiantly do not have a representative government. Good luck with whatever you are doing.

A government in which people elect delegates to make laws is?

A government in which people elect delegates to make laws is a Representative Government.

What do you think our authorities should do to reduce global warming?

Make laws phasing out fossil fuel power generation to be replaced by renewable energy.Make laws establishing great forests to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

What do countries do to protect antarctica?

The implementation of laws that slow global warming and in other ways limit the damage of climate change are all works that countries can perform to protect Antarctica.

What things exist today to address climate change?

The Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement to cut emissions of greenhouse gases.National laws like Clean Air Acts and Carbon Pricing.The determination of millions of people to stop global warming and climate change.

What gives a government authority?

people choose to follow its laws.

Who controls the counties in a state?

Counties have there own form of government which abide by state laws which abide by Federal laws. That's why we are called the government for the people and by the people.

Government in which people elect delegates to make laws is?

A government in which people elect delegates to make laws is a Representative Government. A Democracy could be representative or direct.

What Australian laws are made by which people?

Australian laws are made by the government. National or local.