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Q: Will piranhas attack if it doesn't smell blood?
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Are pirhannas more dangerous than sharkes?

both can be as dangerous as they attack when they smell blood in the water. However as piranhas hunt in groups of up to 20 i believe piranhas are more dangerous.

Who can smell blood furthest the shark or the piranhas?

Sharks all the way.

Why piranhas attack people?

Piranhas do not just attack people for no reason. They may go into a feeding frenzy at the smell of blood and they will attack if they sense frenzied movement like that of a fledgling bird falling into the water. Really they, like many animals, can find much easier prey than humans so attacks on humans are rare although they do occasionally happen when water levels are low.

Do piranhas attack when they smell blood?

I wouldn't know, though I would question the idea of a piranha smelling under water. We tend to mean smell when we inhale an odour, if we tasted something in water that would be taste and since fish evolved in water they shouldn't have any sense of smell I shouldn't think! It would be a question of taste.

When do piranhas attack?

Piranhas do not just attack people for no reason. They may go into a feeding frenzy at the smell of blood and they will attack if they sense frenzied movement like that of a fledgling bird falling into the water. Really they, like many animals, can find much easier prey than humans so attacks on humans are rare although they do occasionally happen when water levels are low.

Can you sit in a pool of piranhas?

Piranhas can sense movement in water not just the smell of blood. Although their primary food source is fish, they also will attack mammals and birds who are swimming or standing in water. The teeth of a piranha can slice through bone and within minutes they can consume an animal the size of a pig. There are four different species of piranha thought to be dangerous to humans and there are also many accounts of fatalities.

Do hammerhead shark only attack when they smell blood?

if approached at all, may attack.

How do piranhas detect prey?

The piranha is known for its keen sense of smell, which helps them to locate prey. Blood in the water will send piranhas into a frenzy. They are also able to sense any unusual vibrations in the water around them and any commotion in the water will attract a shoal of piranhas.

Why does the great white shark attack people when they smell blood?

Sharks smell blood so they go after it and because of mucky water or not clear water and/or because the bad sight sharks have,they attack what is in the area of blood

Do piranhas get hungry when they smell blood?

Yes they can its a very keen nose they have they can sense blood for up to 2 miles they have the same sense as sharks. I tested this myself one day with mine i cut my foot bad by stepping on glass accidently and put a drop or two in there and my piranhas who are usually timid went nuts

What can't piranhas live without?

food, water, ummm their sense of smell....

What is a shark strongest sense?

they don't eat people but the smell there foods blood before the attack