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Plants (at least leafy plants, such as houseplants) seem to like fluorescent light just fine. The trouble is, you're NOT going to make get fluorescent lighting as bright as direct sunlight. Not a problem for many houseplants, but cultivating a typical arable outdoor plant, say a potato plant, under fluorescent lights won't work unless you use a LOT of lights / reflectors / mirrors / other clever tricks. Too little light will make plants spindly. A lack of blue light will do that too. So, if you are unsure if you are using enough light, make sure you at least use daylight tubes. Ask you supplier for "triphospor lights with high color temperature". These give a lot of light with enough blue rays.

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Q: Will plants grow under fluorescent lites?
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Sage will grow indoors satisfactorily under standard fluorescent lamps, and exceptionally well under high output fluorescent , compact fluorescent, or high intensity discharge (metal halide or high pressure sodium) plant growing lights. Keep standard fluorescent lamps between 2 and 4 inches from the tops of the plants, high output and compact fluorescents approximately one foot above the plants, and HID lights between 2 and 4 feet above the plants, depending on wattage. Have an oscillating fan gently stir seedlings for at least 2 hours per day to stimulate shorter, sturdier, and more natural plant habit.

Why do plants grow better under fluorescent lights than under sunlight?

The sun emits all sorts of colored waves that are good for both flowers and foliage. If you are looking to grow a plant with a lot of foliage you need a light that emits a blue wave, which would be the fluorescent club. An incandescent emits a red wave good for flowers but be careful not to put them too close or they will get burned. Sort answer you fluorescent gives the specific wave needed for exponential growth. Hope that helps.

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Fluorescent light works for most of plants and even aquarium fish. But when it comes to special races of plants, such as mariguana or some philotherms, HPS or MH can achieve a better effect. Check the link below for more detail about fluorescent light.

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