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Q: How well do plants grow under yellow light?
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How well would a plant grow under pure yellow light and explain?

It would not grow well at all since yellow is not the wave length of light that plants use to photosynthesize.

How well do plants grow in pure yellow light?

like heck

What coloured light do plants grow best under?

Plants grow best under red light and blue is good to im not sure about yellow mabe if your doing a science fair test on this use these colours brown,green,clear,red and blue i know because i did my test on this

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Under which color light will plants grow fastest?

Blue and purple light.

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Beans can grow with restricted light spectrum. Green plants grow best in blue and red light. Green and yellow light is not absorbed by the green plant but reflected.

Do plants grow well with yellow light?

Since yellow is only weakly absorbed by the pigments, the plant will grow slowly if at all. Violet, blue and some red light is most strongly absorb.

Under what color do plants grow fast?

I heard it was yellow, but I just want to double check

How well would plants grow in pure yellow light?

Not well. The spectrum of light as well as the duration of day/night cycles trigger development and reproduction in plants.